Publications by authors named "M Schnedler"

The electron optical phase contrast probed by electron holography at n-n GaN doping steps is found to exhibit a giant enhancement, in sharp contrast to the always smaller than expected phase contrast reported for p-n junctions. We unravel the physical origin of the giant enhancement by combining off-axis electron holography data with self-consistent electrostatic potential calculations. The predominant contribution to the phase contrast is shown to arise from the doping dependent screening length of the surface Fermi-level pinning, which is induced by FIB-implanted carbon point defects below the outer amorphous shell.

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Metal oxide nanoparticles exhibit outstanding catalytic properties, believed to be related to the presence of oxygen vacancies at the particle's surface. However, little quantitative information is known about concentrations of point defects inside and at surfaces of these nanoparticles, due to the challenges in achieving an atomically resolved experimental access. By employing off-axis electron holography, we demonstrate, using MgO nanoparticles as an example, a methodology that discriminates between mobile charge induced by electron beam irradiation and immobile charge associated with deep traps induced by point defects as well as distinguishes between bulk and surface point defects.

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We report a magnetic transition region in La_{0.7}Sr_{0.3}MnO_{3} with gradually changing magnitude of magnetization, but no rotation, stable at all temperatures below T_{C}.

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In scanning field emission microscopy (SFEM), a tip (the source) is approached to few (or a few tens of) nanometres distance from a surface (the collector) and biased to field-emit electrons. In a previous study (Zanin 2016 , 20160475. (doi:10.

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High-temperature superconductive (SC) cuprates exhibit not only a SC phase, but also competing orders, suppressing superconductivity. Charge order (CO) has been recognized as an important competing order, but its microscopic spatial interplay with SC phase as well as the interlayer coupling in CO and SC phases remain elusive, despite being essential for understanding the physical mechanisms of competing orders and hence superconductivity. Here we report the achievement of direct real-space imaging with atomic-scale resolution of cryogenically cleaved YBaCuO using cross-sectional scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy.

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