Publications by authors named "M R Alonso Gascon"

Green space exposure during pregnancy has been associated with lower risk of adverse birth outcomes, but the biological mechanisms remain unclear. Epigenetic changes, such as DNA methylation (DNAm), may contribute to this association. The placenta, crucial for foetal development, has been understudied in relation to prenatal green space exposure and DNAm on a genome-wide scale.

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Introduction: Children's rapid development and immature immune systems place them at a higher risk of adverse health outcomes associated with air pollution exposure. However, the specific mechanisms in which air pollution mediates immune dysregulation in youth are poorly understood. Thus, we aimed to systematically review the available epidemiological evidence surrounding the effects of indoor and ambient air pollution exposure on systemic immune biomarkers in early life (from birth to 18 years old).

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Health implications of mobility during pregnancy entail a need to understand pregnant women's activity spaces. We present ActMAP, a framework for quantifying multiple aspects of activity spaces from distinct trips and stays derived from GPS data. We applied ActMAP to data from 238 pregnant women in Barcelona, Spain (2018-2020) and explored weekday, weekend and intraday associations between pregnancy trimester and activity spaces.

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Humpback whales undertake one of the longest known migrations of any mammal. While their migration route generally extends between latitudes, the breeding stocks are longitudinally separated and display high site fidelity to their feeding grounds. While there is an indication of certain breeding stocks overlapping with each other, the current information on the migration routes of humpback whales within the Southern Hemisphere limits our understanding of the extent of this exchange.

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Background: Loneliness, a major public health concern, could be alleviated through social interventions with nature contact as a primary component. "Friends in Nature" is a complex nature-based social intervention designed to be implemented as part of "Reimagining Environments for Connection and Engagement: Testing Actions for Social Prescribing in Natural Spaces" (RECETAS). This project aims to alleviate loneliness and promote health-related quality of life in six different geographic areas worldwide.

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