Aim: This project has two aims: (a) What do relatives to brought in dead (BID) describe as helpful and supportive care when they arrive at the emergency department to see and say goodbye to a deceased? (b) What do nurses describe as good nursing practice for BID persons and their relatives and what may hinder or facilitate this practice in an emergency setting?
Design: A qualitative study in the methodology interpretive description.
Methods: Data will be collected through three data sources: Individual interviews with relatives to BID persons, participant observations of relatives to BID persons during their presence in the emergency department and focus group interviews with emergency nurses.
Discussion: Brought in dead persons and their relatives are received and cared for in emergency departments by emergency nurses.
Background: Little is known of how to organize non-malign palliative care, and existing knowledge show that patients with COPD live with unmet palliative needs and low quality of life. With the intent to improve palliative care for patients with COPD, we changed the structure of our outpatient clinic from routine visits by a pulmonary specialist to a structure where each patient was assigned a nurse, offered annual advance care planning dialogues, and ad hoc pulmonary specialist visits. The aim of this study was to explore COPD patients' experiences with a new and altered palliative organization.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBMC Palliat Care
October 2018
Background: To improve the care of patients with advanced COPD and be able to address their palliative needs a new outpatient organization (CAPTAIN) was developed and implemented. CAPTAIN was inspired by best practice and existing guidelines and changed the traditional organization of an outpatient structure including the roles of nurses and doctors. Only sparse knowledge exists of the health professionals' expectations and experiences to organizational changes in an outpatient setting.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: There appears to be divergence between nurses' and patients' perceptions of dyspnoea onset and on how help should be given. This may affect how nurses understand and assess their patients' anxiety and the severity of dyspnoea, potentially diminishing their chances of relieving patients' dyspnoea. The aim of this study was to explore nurse-patient interaction in situations where patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are experiencing acute or worsened dyspnoea in a hospital setting.
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