Publications by authors named "M M MAEVSKII"

The rate and changes in the formation of bacterial lumps and blocks of the proventriculus in Xenopsylla cheopis fleas in their contamination with the plague microbe of the Altai subspecies, its L-form and revertant were studied to clarify the specific features of relations with the vector, including its transmission ability. The plague microbe of the Altai subspecies, which was exposed to L-transformation in the resistant organism of a warm-blooded host (a guinea pig), as well as L-form revertants obtained on nutrient media substantially lost their ability to get acclimatized in the vector and to form a proventricular block. The capacity to form lumps did not greatly differ in L- and original form of the microbe.

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Intersexual differences have been established in Citellophilus tesquorum altaicus Ioff (1936) from a Tuva natural focus in the accumulation of Yersinia pestis in fleas in autumn and its conservation during winter. The ectoparasites were infected and fed on the natural feeder - long-tailed Siberian souslik (Citellus undulates). Small wild animals and insects were infected with the strain Yersinia pestis 1-3226 typical of the focus.

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Long-term experimental studies of the environmental and physiological aspects of relationships of parasitic triad co-members, performed in a Tuva natural plague, by using Citellophilus tesquorum altaicus fleas, their natural feeder--a long-tailed Siberian souslik (Citellus undulatus), and the Yersinia pestis strain I-3226 that is typical of the focus were analyzed. A complex of biotic (the environmental features of a causative agent, avector, and a carrier) and abiotic (air temperature and moisture, atmospheric pressure, and seasonal changes) factors that ensure the existence of the enzootic disease plague in this area has been shown to exert a considerable impact on the pattern of relationships of parasitic triad co-members.

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The data of experiments made in a Tuva natural plague focus with the main vector of the flea C. lesquorum altaicus during different seasons are analyzed. Ectoparasites were infected with the plague microbial strain typical for the focus and fed on natural nourishment, such as long-tailed sousliks.

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The experience of use of efforts and resources by the bacteriological section of the specialized antiepidemic brigade of the Stavropol Research Institute for Plague Control in the Chechen Republic during the period of 1999-2000 under the conditions of the emergency situation, formed as the consequence of carrying out the antiterrorist operation, is summarized. The work load falling of the bacteriological section in different shifts, the structure of bacteriological investigations, as well as some problems arising in the process of work, were analyzed. The experience showed the necessity of the complete accommodation of the bacteriological laboratory in specialized motor-vehicle modules having all necessary equipment for investigation works, disinfection, sterilization.

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