Publications by authors named "M Juhaszova"

The rate of spontaneous action potentials (APs) generated by sinoatrial node cells (SANC) is regulated by local Ca release (LCR) from the sarcoplasmic reticulum via Ca release channels (ryanodine receptors, RyRs). LCR events propagate and self-organize within the network of RyR clusters (Ca release units, CRUs) via Ca-induced-Ca-release (CICR) that depends on CRU sizes and locations: While larger CRUs generate stronger release signals, the network's topology governs signal diffusion and propagation. This study used super-resolution structured illumination microscopy to image the 3D network of CRUs in rabbit SANC.

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Background: Aging is associated with increased levels of reactive oxygen species and inflammation that disrupt proteostasis and mitochondrial function and leads to organism-wide frailty later in life. ARA290 (cibinetide), an 11-aa non-hematopoietic peptide sequence within the cardioprotective domain of erythropoietin, mediates tissue protection by reducing inflammation and fibrosis. Age-associated cardiac inflammation is linked to structural and functional changes in the heart, including mitochondrial dysfunction, impaired proteostasis, hypertrophic cardiac remodeling, and contractile dysfunction.

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Adult (3 month) mice with cardiac-specific overexpression of adenylyl cyclase (AC) type VIII (TG) adapt to an increased cAMP-induced cardiac workload (~30% increases in heart rate, ejection fraction and cardiac output) for up to a year without signs of heart failure or excessive mortality. Here, we show classical cardiac hypertrophy markers were absent in TG, and that total left ventricular (LV) mass was not increased: a reduced LV cavity volume in TG was encased by thicker LV walls harboring an increased number of small cardiac myocytes, and a network of small interstitial proliferative non-cardiac myocytes compared to wild type (WT) littermates; Protein synthesis, proteosome activity, and autophagy were enhanced in TG vs WT, and Nrf-2, Hsp90α, and ACC2 protein levels were increased. Despite increased energy demands in vivo LV ATP and phosphocreatine levels in TG did not differ from WT.

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Background: The sinoatrial node (SAN) of the heart produces rhythmic action potentials, generated via calcium signaling within and among pacemaker cells. Our previous work has described the SAN as composed of a hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated potassium channel 4 (HCN4)-expressing pacemaker cell meshwork, which merges with a network of connexin 43/F-actin cells. It is also known that sympathetic and parasympathetic innervation create an autonomic plexus in the SAN that modulates heart rate and rhythm.

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