Monitoring for mycotoxins in food or feed matrices is necessary to ensure the safety and security of global food systems. Due to a lack of standardized methods and individual laboratory priorities, most institutions have developed their own methods for mycotoxin determinations. Given the diversity of mycotoxin chemical structures and physicochemical properties, searching databases, and comparing data between institutions is complicated.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMycotoxin emergence and co-occurrence trends in Canadian grains are dynamic and evolving in response to changing weather patterns within each growing season. The mycotoxins deoxynivalenol and zearalenone are the dominant mycotoxins detected in grains grown in Eastern Canada. Two potential emerging mycotoxins of concern are sterigmatocystin, produced by , and diacetoxyscirpenol, a type A trichothecene produced by a number of species.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: It is now widely acknowledged that there are serious shortcomings in allergy care provision for patients seen in primary care. We sought to assess the feasibility of delivering and evaluating a new nurse-led allergy service in primary care, measured by recruitment, retention and estimates of the potential impact of the intervention on disease-specific quality of life.
Methods: Mixed-methods evaluation of a nurse-led primary care-based allergy clinic in Edinburgh, UK undertaken during the period 2017-2021 with a focus on suspected food allergy and atopic eczema in young children, allergic rhinitis in children and young people, and suspected anaphylaxis in adults.
Fumonisin mycotoxins are a family of secondary metabolites produced by and related species, as well as some strains of . Fumonisin contamination of maize is a concern when grown under hot, dry conditions. When present above regulatory levels, there can be effects on animal health.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe Mount Meager Volcanic Complex (Mount Meager) is a glacier-clad stratovolcanic system in southwestern British Columbia which last erupted over 2400 years ago (VEI 4). While this is Canada's most recent major explosive eruption, most past research on Mount Meager has focused on its numerous and large volume landslides and thus the volcanic hazard characteristics remain understudied. Here we present a suite of scenario-based hazard maps and an assessment addressing a range of potential future explosive eruptions and associated hazards.
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