Objective: Evaluation of the impact of the health crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic on specialized healthcare training in a teaching center.
Methods: Cross-sectional descriptive study, by means of an electronic questionnaire sent to 167 residents in June 2020, to evaluate the burden of care, suspension of rotations and Covid-19 symptoms. The impact on the acquisition of professional competencies was measured using a four-level Likert scale (none, a little, quiet, a lot).
Objective: To analyse the activity of interconsultations conducted by internal medicine (IM) departments, their formal aspects and the profile of clinical care required and to quantify the workload they represent.
Material And Method: A multicentre, observational prospective study was conducted with consecutive hospitalised patients treated by IM departments using interconsultations between May 15 and June 15, 2016. We estimated the workload related to this activity (1time unit [TU]=10min).