Publications by authors named "M E Tunstall"

Cat fleas () are the most commonly recognised ectoparasites of domestic pets globally and are frequently implicated in the transmission of a variety of zoonotic vector-borne pathogens. The aim of the present study was to investigate the morphological and molecular identity of fleas parasitising cats and dogs in Northern Laos and screen them for a range of bacterial pathogens. Fleas (n = 120) were collected from dogs and cats and morphologically identified as (115/120) (4/120) and (1/120).

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Decoding facial expressions of emotion is an important aspect of social communication that is often impaired following psychiatric or neurological illness. However, little is known of the cognitive components involved in perceiving emotional expressions. Three dual task studies explored the role of verbal working memory in decoding emotions.

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This research examines the mechanisms that initiate rhythmic activity in the episodic central pattern generator (CPG) underlying escape swimming in the gastropod mollusk Tritonia diomedea. Activation of the network is triggered by extrinsic excitatory input but also accompanied by intrinsic neuromodulation and the recruitment of additional excitation into the circuit. To examine how these factors influence circuit activation, a detailed simulation of the unmodulated CPG network was constructed from an extensive set of physiological measurements.

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The importance of kinematics in emotion perception from body movement has been widely demonstrated. Evidence also suggests that the perception of biological motion relies to some extent on information about spatial and spatiotemporal form, yet the contribution of such form-related cues to emotion perception remains unclear. This study reports, for the first time, the relative effects on emotion recognition of inverting and motion-reversing patch-light compared to fully illuminated displays of whole-body emotion gestures.

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