Publications by authors named "M E Belov"

The problem of an optimal mapping between Hilbert spaces IN and OUT, based on a series of density matrix mapping measurements ρ^{(l)}→ϱ^{(l)}, l=1⋯M, is formulated as an optimization problem maximizing the total fidelity F=∑_{l=1}^{M}ω^{(l)}F(ϱ^{(l)},∑_{s}B_{s}ρ^{(l)}B_{s}^{†}) subject to probability preservation constraints on Kraus operators B_{s}. For F(ϱ,σ) in the form that total fidelity can be represented as a quadratic form with superoperator F=∑_{s}〈B_{s}|S|B_{s}〉 (either exactly or as an approximation) an iterative algorithm is developed. The work introduces two important generalizations of unitary learning: (1) IN/OUT states are represented as density matrices; (2) the mapping itself is formulated as a mixed unitary quantum channel A^{OUT}=∑_{s}|w_{s}|^{2}U_{s}A^{IN}U_{s}^{†} (no general quantum channel yet).

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The problem of an optimal mapping between Hilbert spaces IN of |ψ〉 and OUT of |ϕ〉 based on a set of wavefunction measurements (within a phase) ψ_{l}→ϕ_{l}, l=1,⋯,M, is formulated as an optimization problem maximizing the total fidelity ∑_{l=1}^{M}ω^{(l)}|〈ϕ_{l}|U|ψ_{l}〉|^{2} subject to probability preservation constraints on U (partial unitarity). The constructed operator U can be considered as an IN to OUT quantum channel; it is a partially unitary rectangular matrix (an isometry) of dimension dim(OUT)×dim(IN) transforming operators as A^{OUT}=UA^{IN}U^{†}. An iterative algorithm for finding the global maximum of this optimization problem is developed, and its application to a number of problems is demonstrated.

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Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry imaging (MALDI-MSI) can provide valuable insights into the metabolome of complex biological systems such as organ tissues and cells. However, obtaining metabolite data at single-cell spatial resolutions presents a few technological challenges. Generally, spatial resolution is defined by the increment the sample stage moves between laser ablation spots.

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Metal carbides are known to contain small carbon units similar to those found in the molecules of methane, acetylene, and allene. However, for numerous binary systems ab initio calculations predict the formation of unusual metal carbides with exotic polycarbon units, [C] rings, and graphitic carbon sheets at high pressure (HP). Here we report the synthesis and structural characterization of a HP-CaC polymorph and a CaC compound featuring deprotonated polyacene-like and para-poly(indenoindene)-like nanoribbons, respectively.

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Background: Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, first-line healthcare leaders across the healthcare system played crucial roles leading, motivating, and supporting staff.

Purpose: This study aims to describe multidisciplinary first-line healthcare leaders' experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic in Ontario, Canada using transformational and crisis leadership theory.

Methods: A descriptive two-phase (quantitative & qualitative) design was conducted in the spring of 2021.

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