We describe how to prepare unincubated avian eggs to obtain a greater number of clearly visible Rauber's sickles for experimental embryology. After hemi-sectioning of unincubated chicken (Gallus domesticus) blastoderms and cultivating both halves in vitro, two kinds of development can be discerned: (1) when the unincubated blastoderms were hemi-sectioned according to the plane of bilateral symmetry, going through the middle region of Rauber's sickle, we obtained two hemi-embryos (a left and a right one). Each contained a half primitive streak, localized at the cut edge (starting from the most median part of Rauber's sickle) giving rise to a half mesoblast mantle and half area vasculosa, thus indicating mosaic development (each part of the whole fertilized egg would be able to form independently on its own).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe studied early neurulation events in vitro by transplanting quail Hensen's node, central prenodal regions (before the nodus as such develops), or upper layer parts of it on the not yet definitively committed upper layer of chicken anti-sickle regions (of unincubated blastoderms), eventually associated with central blastoderm fragments. We could demonstrate by this quail-chicken chimera technique that after the appearance of a pronounced thickening of the chicken upper layer by the early inductive effect of neighboring endophyll, a floor plate forms by insertion of Hensen's node-derived quail cells into the median part of the groove. This favors, at an early stage, the floor plate "allocation" model that postulates a common origin for notochord and median floor plate cells from the vertebrate's secondary major organizer (Hensen's node in this case).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn the avian oocytal germ disc region, at the end of oogenesis, we discerned four ooplasms (alpha, beta, gamma, delta) presenting an onion-peel distribution (from peripheral and superficial to central and deep. Their fate was followed during early embryonic development. The most superficial and peripheral alpha ooplasm plays a fundamental role during cleavage.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAfter placing in vitro, central subgerminal ooplasm (containing a central nucleus of Pander) from a quail germ disc of a prelaid egg (before symmetrization) on the upper layer of an isolated chicken antisickle, we observed the induction of a radially oriented preneural plate (without interference of chordamesoblast). This observation suggests the primary existence during the period of symmetrization in utero of an until now unknown temporospatially linked "vertical" effect, emanating from the nucleus of Pander, on the parallel (pre)neural plate anlage forming part of the area centralis in the overlying blastoderm. For comparison, we "sandwiched" in vitro a quail sickle endoblast fragment between the deep side of the upper layer of an isolated chicken antisickle region and a central subgerminal ooplasmic mass.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBy using the quail-chicken chimera technique, we studied the reactivity and the eventual developmental or inducing capacities of the avian caudal marginal zone (in comparison with Rauber's sickle), when associated in vitro with different avian blastoderm components. If a fragment of quail sickle endoblast is placed on the caudal marginal zone of a whole unincubated chicken blastoderm, then a secondary miniature embryo will develop in this caudal marginal zone. The primitive streak and accompanying neural plate of the secondary embryo are directed peripherally into the caudal germ wall, away from Rauber's sickle.
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