Publications by authors named "M Barwijuk-Machala"

In 36 Wistar rats with the iodoacetate-induced experimental osteoarthrosis (OA), effects of doxycycline, given orally, were determined on histochemical reactions of glycosaminoglycans (GAG) in the epiphyseal plate cartilage. The epiphyseal plate of rats with OA was reduced in height (especially the proliferative zone), cell columns were disorganized, many chondrocytes were irregular and polygonal, their nuclei were pycnotic, the intensity of GAG staining was irregular and predominantly reduced, which can be interpreted as signs of degeneration. A concomitant administration of doxycycline in the second group of rats prevented, to some extent, the negative effects of iodoacetate on chondrocytes and led to a more pronounced intensity of GAG reactions in the matrix of the epiphyseal plate.

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The aim of the study was an evaluation of PCNA and Ki-67 expression in the epithelial and stromal component of fibroepithelial tumours (FT) of the breast in correlation with morphological parameters. A series of 11 fibroadenomas (FA), including 8 cases of the cellular type (FAC), 19 benign phyllodes tumours (PTLGM), 8 bordeline (PTBM) and 6 malignant phyllodes tumours were assessed, using immunohistochemistry. The expressions of Ki-67 and PCNA in the epithelial component were significantly higher in PTLGM, when compared with FA and PTBM.

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The aim of the study was to evaluate the correlation of c-erb-b2 and Bcl-xl expression in biopsy specimens of Barrett's oesophagus from 44 patients with morphological features. The examined group was subdivided into: negative for dysplasia, indefinite for dysplasia, positive for dysplasia-low grade, and adenocarcinoma with high grade dysplasia. Positive c-erb-B2 staining was found in 34.

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The immunohistochemical method was applied to show Bak expression in oral squamous cell carcinoma and its metastases to lymph nodes (LNMs). Bak expression was evaluated by immunohistochemical methods in specimens with oral squamous cell carcinomas and their lymph node metastases. Immunohistochemical studies were performed, using goat polyclonal Bak antibodies (Santa Cruz Biotechnology, USA) at 1:200 dilution.

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We have undertaken an attempt to compare the application efficacy of the proliferative activity markers in differential diagnosis of thyroid Hürthle cell tumors (HCT) using the PCNA and Ki-67 labeling and AgNOR visualisation techniques. The present work is a retrospective analysis of 78 Hürthle cell tumors: 20 Hürthle cell carcinomas (HCC), 32 Hürthle cell adenomas (HCA) and 26 hyperplastic nodules with Hurthle cell metaplasia (HCM). Five microm sections were stained according to AgNOR technique and labeled with antibodies against PCNA and Ki-67.

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