Zh Nevrol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova
December 2022
Objective: To identify possible associations between premorbid personality traits and cognitive impairment and affective symptoms in patients who have recovered from COVID-19.
Material And Methods: The study included 30 people with the so-called post-COVID syndrome. The diagnosis of COVID-19 was previously confirmed by laboratory tests in each patient.
Objective: The current study has been performed in order to find the influence of premorbid personality traits on psychopathological symptomatology in patients with endogenous depression (ED), schizophrenia and organic anxiety-depressive disorder (OADD).
Material And Methods: 191 patients (57 with OADD,93 with schizophrenia and 41 with ED) were included into study. The Munich personality test (MPT) and Toronto alexithymia scale (TAS) were used for the evaluation of premorbid personality; the SCL-90 - for the assessment of psychopathological structure.
Zh Nevrol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova
August 2021
Objective: To compare premorbid personality and structure of psychopathological status of organic anxiety-depressive disorder in comparison with endogenous depression and anxiety neurotic disorders.
Material And Methods: One hundred and twelve patients, including 57 with organic anxiety-depressive disorder (OADD), 41 with endogenous depression (ED) and 14 with anxiety neurotic disorder (AND) were studied. have been included into the study.