Aim: To determine the prevalence of amp1q21 and its relationship to the clinical manifestations of multiple myeloma (MM).
Subjects And Methods: In December 2009 to March 2016, a total 134 patients aged 30 to 81 years (median 57 years) underwent a pretreatment FISH-study of bone marrow (BM) with centromeric and locus-specific DNA probes to identify amp1q21, t(11;14), t(4;14), t(14;16), t(14;20), t(6;14), trisomies of chromosomes 5, 9, 15, del13q14, del17p13/TP53, and t(8q24)/cMYC. Induction therapy with bortezomib-containing cycles was performed.
Aim: To analyze the efficiency and reproducibility of the ALL-2009 protocol within the Russian prospective multicenter study based on different principles of cytostatic effects (non-intensive, but continuous cytotoxic treatment and a small number of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cells).
Subjects And Methods: The ALL-2009 (NCT01193933) study conducted in April 2009 to December 2016 included 194 patients (95 males and 99 females) aged 15 to 55 years (median age 28 years) with Ph-negative B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). There was early pre-B-cell ALL in 54 patients, common ALL in 101, pre-B ALL in 39, initial leukocytosis in 9.
Aim: to analyze well-known risk factors (RFs), such as age, immunophenotype, baseline leukocytosis, enhanced lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity, time to achieve complete remission, a risk group, and cytogenetic abnormalities) in patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) in the use of the ALL-2009 protocol.
Subjects And Methods: The protocol covered 298 patients (137 women (including 13 pregnant women) and 161 men) aged 15 to 55 years (median age 28 years) with Ph-negative ALL. The phenotype was unknown in 6 patients.
Aim: To analyze the efficiency of the ALL-2009 protocol ( NCT01 193933) in patients with T-cell leukemias, particularly the role of autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (auto-HSCT) after non-myeloablative BEAM conditioning, followed by maintenance therapy.
Subjects And Methods: Since 2009, the ALL-2009 study has enrolled 90 patients with T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL), the treatment results were assessed in 86 patients: 6 and 28 patients underwent allogeneic HSCT and auto-HSCT, respectively.