Probl Radiac Med Radiobiol
December 2024
Objective: assessment of probable exposure levels from radon and NORM in workplaces within the context of justi fying radiation protection plans in an existing exposure situation.
Materials And Methods: Materials regarding the assessment of naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM) con tent in tailing from mining and processing industries in Ukraine and assessments of contamination levels of industri al sites of oil and gas enterprises were used for estimating the probable range of effective doses (ED) of workers fromNORM at industrial enterprises. These materials were obtained as a result of research conducted by specialists from theRadiation Protection Laboratory of the State Institution «O.
Probl Radiac Med Radiobiol
December 2020
Objective: To analyze and evaluate the available information to indoor radon concentration in the context of theimplementation of the radon action plan.
Object Of Study: indoor radon-222 in dwellings by area and corresponding radiation risks of the population. Measurements were performed using passive track radonometry.
Probl Radiac Med Radiobiol
December 2019
Objective: to assess the naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM) content in industrial waste in Ukraine and assess which industries should be a subject for the regulatory oversight.
Methods: Sampling and analysis followed the same procedure in all cases. 250 samples were taken in total.