The article presents data concerning assessment of content of such components of carbohydrate metabolism as lactate and pyruvate and their ration in patients with diabetes mellitus type I, representatives of Mongoloids and Caucasians. The decreased concentration of the given metabolites in mongoloids is established. The intensive cumulation of lactate and ration lactate/pyruvate in Caucasians can promote development of hypoxemic occurrences and as a result decrease course and prognosis of disease.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA study of pro- and antioxidant status in healthy boys and girls adolescents' representatives Tofalars and Evenks compared to Caucasians newcomers. Revealed activation of the adaptive-compensatory processes in the body young men and women, indigenous peoples of the North as compared to Caucasians alien population, which was reflected statistically significant increase in non-enzymatic components of antioxidant defense system.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe parameters of lipid peroxidation (blood plasma content of primary products of lipid peroxidation and the end of TBA-active products) and indexes of antioxidant protection (total antioxidant activity, the content of fat-soluble vitamins A and E in blood plasma and riboflavin in blood) has been evaluated in 75 healthy children living in Irkutsk. All respondents were divided into three age periods: preschool age (3-6 years old, mean 4.7 +/- 1.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe antioxidant system of blood is the important factor that characterizes the adaptive possibilities of human organism. The estimation of state of the antioxidant protection and lipid peroxidation systems at men and women of two Baikal Lake ethnic groups was carried out. Spectrophotometric and fluorometric methods were used during the study.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe article deals with the results of evaluation of processes of lipoperoxidation in Buryat and Russian women with diabetes mellitus type I, aged 18-80 years old and dwelling on the territory of Buryatia. It is demonstrated that the degree of intensity of lipoperoxidation processes in women with diabetes mellitus type I differs depending on population. In Buryat women under increase of activity of lipoperoxidation processes on early stages the increase of total antioxidative activity of blood is detected In Russian women under increase of content of primary and intermediate products of lipid peroxidation the decrease of superoxidismutase activity occurs.
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