Aim: Expanding and sustaining student nurse placements outside of the acute sector is a universal challenge. This paper aims to evaluate the Care Home Education Facilitator Role introduced in one area of Wales, United Kingdom, and to report on the outcomes achieved from this novel role.
Methods: Semi-structured interviews were undertaken with key stakeholders including the Care Home Education Facilitator postholder leading the pilot, care home managers, higher education institutions' placement managers/coordinators, student nurses and national health service staff.
J Health Organ Manag
October 2022
Int J Health Care Qual Assur
January 2013
Purpose: This article aims to explore quality improvement (QI) at individual, group and organisational level. It also aims to identify restraining forces using formative evaluation and discuss implications for current UK policy, particularly quality, innovation, productivity and prevention.
Design/methodology/approach: Learning events combined with work-based projects, focusing on individual and group responses are evaluated.