Method: In this study we sought to characterize the relationship between several pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic parameters and virologic responses among HIV/hepatitis C virus genotype-1 co-infected patients receiving pegylated interferon-alpha-2b (peg-IFN2b) and ribavirin. We also tried to establish the underlying mechanisms that lead to poor sustained virologic responder rates observed with African-Americans against Caucasians and compared their results with those observed in a cohort of hepatitis C virus mono-infected patients.
Results: Among our studied population, a viral decline of more than 1.
Background: HIV/hepatitis C virus (HCV) coinfected patients are known to have lower sustained viral response (SVR) rates than HCV monoinfected patients. However, the role of CD4+ T-cell counts on viral kinetics and outcome is not fully understood.
Methods: HCV RNA kinetics (bDNA v3, lower limit of detection [LD] = 615 IU/mL) was analyzed in 32 HIV/HCV coinfected persons treated with Pegylated-interferon-alpha2b (1.