Synopsis of recent research by authors named "Lygia Pereira"
- Lygia Pereira's recent research primarily focuses on understanding the mechanisms of various genetic diseases, including Marfan syndrome and Xia-Gibbs syndrome, through innovative model systems such as induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) and zebrafish models, revealing insights into tissue remodeling and pathophysiological mechanisms.
- The author has also investigated the role of glycosylation in infection processes, specifically how ST8Sia2 polysialyltransferase protects against Trypanosoma cruzi, underscoring the significance of polysialic acid in immune responses.
- Pereira's work extends to population genetics, exploring the genetic signatures of indigenous Amazonian populations and the implications of genetic diversity in human adaptation and disease susceptibility, particularly in the context of chronic kidney disease in admixed populations.