Publications by authors named "Lydia Gibson"

Causal perturbations suggest that primate dorsal pulvinar plays a crucial role in target selection and saccade planning, though its basic neuronal properties remain unclear. Some functional aspects of dorsal pulvinar and interconnected frontoparietal areas-e.g.

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The thalamic pulvinar and the lateral intraparietal area (LIP) share reciprocal anatomical connections and are part of an extensive cortical and subcortical network involved in spatial attention and oculomotor processing. The goal of this study was to compare the effective connectivity of dorsal pulvinar (dPul) and LIP and to probe the dependency of microstimulation effects on task demands and spatial tuning properties of a given brain region. To this end, we applied unilateral electrical microstimulation in the dPul (mainly medial pulvinar) and LIP in combination with event-related BOLD fMRI in monkeys performing fixation and memory-guided saccade tasks.

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Sensorimotor cortical areas contain eye position information thought to ensure perceptual stability across saccades and underlie spatial transformations supporting goal-directed actions. One pathway by which eye position signals could be relayed to and across cortical areas is via the dorsal pulvinar. Several studies have demonstrated saccade-related activity in the dorsal pulvinar, and we have recently shown that many neurons exhibit postsaccadic spatial preference.

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In schizophrenia patients negative symptoms and cognitive impairment often persist despite treatment with second generation antipsychotics leading to reduced quality of life and psychosocial functioning. One core cognitive deficit is impaired working memory (WM) suggesting malfunctioning of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. High frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) has been used to transiently facilitate or consolidate neuronal processes.

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Thymidylate synthase (TS) is a well validated target in cancer chemotherapy. Here, a new crystal form of the R163K variant of human TS (hTS) with five subunits per asymmetric part of the unit cell, all with loop 181-197 in the active conformation, is reported. This form allows binding studies by soaking crystals in artificial mother liquors containing ligands that bind in the active site.

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Human and other mammalian thymidylate synthase (TS) enzymes have an N-terminal extension of approximately 27 amino acids that is not present in bacterial TSs. The extension, which is disordered in all reported crystal structures of TSs, has been considered to play a primary role in protein turnover but not in catalytic activity. In mammalian cells, the variant V3A has a half-life similar to that of wild-type human TS (wt hTS) while V3T is much more stable; V3L, V3F, and V3Y have half-lives approximately half of that for wt hTS.

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Loop 181-197 of human thymidylate synthase (hTS) populates two major conformations, essentially corresponding to the loop flipped by 180 degrees . In one of the conformations, the catalytic Cys195 residue lies distant from the active site making the enzyme inactive. Ligands stabilizing this inactive conformation may function as allosteric inhibitors.

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Yeast glutaredoxin 3 (Grx3) is a cytosolic protein that regulates the activity of the iron-responsive transcriptional activator Aft1. This member of the monothiol glutaredoxin family contains a thioredoxin-like domain and a glutaredoxin-like domain, which both possess a monothiol active site. The crystal structure of the thioredoxin-like domain has been determined at 1.

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Loop 181-197 of human thymidylate synthase (hTS) populates two conformational states. In the first state, Cys195, a residue crucial for catalytic activity, is in the active site (active conformer); in the other conformation, it is about 10 A away, outside the active site (inactive conformer). We have designed and expressed an hTS variant, R163K, in which the inactive conformation is destabilized.

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Thymidylate synthase (TS) is a target in the chemotherapy of colorectal cancer and some other neoplasms. It catalyzes the transfer of a methyl group from methylenetetrahydrofolate to dUMP to form dTMP. On the basis of structural considerations, we have introduced 1,3-propanediphosphonic acid (PDPA) as an allosteric inhibitor of human TS (hTS); it is proposed that PDPA acts by stabilizing an inactive conformer of loop 181-197.

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Background: Bifenthrin is a third generation member of the synthetic pyrethroid family of insecticides. As a new pesticide within a relatively new class of pesticides, bifenthrin is considered relatively safe. Here, we used the PC12 neuronal cell line to examine the effect of bifenthrin on the formation of neurites and the potential developmental neurotoxicity of this pesticide.

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Leading the charge.

Hosp Health Netw

October 2005

Military hospitals are pioneers in digital medicine. They can provide valuable pointers to civilian hospitals on what to do-and not do-in the drive to go paperless.

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Staffing. Turbo-charging CIOs.

Hosp Health Netw

March 2005

At CHIME's CIO boot camp, seasoned chief information officers give their newer colleagues an intensive, three-day "immersion" in the new realities of their profession.

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