Background: Tiarella polyphylla D. Don has been traditionally used to cure asthma and skin eruptions. However, the sequence and the structure of the mitogenome of T.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMulberries (genus Morus), belonging to the order Rosales, family Moraceae, are important woody plants due to their economic values in sericulture, as well as for nutritional benefits and medicinal values. However, the taxonomy and phylogeny of Morus, especially for the Asian species, remains challenging due to its wide geographical distribution, morphological plasticity, and interspecific hybridization. To better understand the evolutionary history of Morus, we combined plastomes and a large-scale nuclear gene analyses to investigate their phylogenetic relationships.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Rhizosphere microbes perform critical functions for their hosts, and their structure is strongly influenced by vegetation type. Although studies on the effects of vegetation on rhizosphere microbial community structure have been conducted at large and global environment scales, studies at local environment scales would eliminate numerous external factors such as climate and soil type, while highlighting the potential influence of local vegetation type.
Methods: Here, we compared rhizosphere microbial communities using 54 samples under three vegetation types (herb, shrubs, and arbors, with bulk soil as the control) at the campus of Henan University.
Until now the genus (Liliaceae), known as 'East Asian tulips', has contained just seven species. In this study, a phylogenomic and integrative taxonomic approach was used to reveal two new species, from Central China and from East China. resembles in possessing a densely villous-woolly bulb tunic and two opposite bracts, but differs in its leaves and anthers.
View Article and Find Full Text PDF(Lamiaceae), a new species from Sichuan Province, China, is described and illustrated. The new species is morphologically similar to E.feddeif.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLinalool and ionone are two important aromatic components in sweet osmanthus petals, and the regulatory mechanisms that produce these two components remain unclear. In this study, we employed whole-genome methylation sequencing and ATAC-seq technology to analyze the genomic DNA methylation status and chromatin accessibility of the sweet osmanthus cultivars 'Zaohuang' and 'Chenghong Dangui'. Results showed that the promoter region of , a key gene in the linalool synthesis pathway, was less methylated in 'Chenghong Dangui' than in 'Zaohuang'.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMitochondrial DNA B Resour
May 2022
, an herbaceous perennial species of Plantaginaceae, has been used as a traditional herbal medicine plant in China. In this study, the complete chloroplast (cp) genome of was sequenced and assembled using genome skimming data. The cp genome was 165,045 bp in length including the large single-copy (LSC, 82,964 bp) and small single-copy (SSC, 4,633 bp) regions separated by two copies of inverted region (IR, 38,724 bp).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMitochondrial DNA B Resour
May 2022
, which is distributed in Japan and China, is the type species of . In this study, we sequenced and assembled the complete chloroplast (cp) genome of and reconstructed the phylogeny of Saxifragaceae based on the whole cp genome sequences. The cp genome of was 156,274 bp in length, comprising a pair of inverted repeat regions (25,099 bp) separated by a large single copy region (88,109 bp) and a small single copy region (17,967 bp).
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October 2021
is a popular landscape plant in China because of its wide adaptation, strong disease resistance, large crown and beautiful fall color. Here, we assembled the complete chloroplast (cp) genome of based on genome skimming data. The cp genome is 158,924 bp in length including two copies of inverted region (IR, 26,427 bp) separated by the large single copy (LSC, 87,318 bp) and small single copy (SSC, 18,752 bp) regions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Crossostephium chinense is a traditional Chinese medicinal herb and it is often cultivated as an ornamental plant. Previous studies on this species mainly focused on its chemical composition and it was rarely represented in genetic studies, and thus genomic resources remain scarce.
Methods And Results: Both chloroplast and nuclear polymorphic microsatellites of C.
is a Cannabaceae genus of 60-70 species of trees, or rarely shrubs, commonly known as hackberries. This woody genus consists of very valuable forest plants that provide important wildlife habitat for birds and mammals. Although previous studies have identified its phylogenetic position, interspecific relationships within remain unclear.
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January 2020
, known as purple mullein or temptress purple, is a species native to Central Europe, Central Asia, and Western China. In the present study, the chloroplast (cp) genome of was assembled using genome skimming sequencing. The cp genome of is 153,348 bp in length comprising two copies of inverted regions (IR, 25,430 bp) separated by the large single-copy (LSC, 84,601 bp) and small single copy (SSC, 17,887 bp) regions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMitochondrial DNA B Resour
January 2020
, which belongs to Moraceae, is a tree species lived in a humid climate at low and middle altitudes. The complete chloroplast (cp) genome of was sequenced and assembled in this study. The cp genome is 161,445 bp in length with comprising two copies of inverted region (IR, 25,894 bp) separated by the large single copy (LSC, 89,633 bp) and small single copy (SSC, 20,024 bp) regions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPapaver setigerum is an annual herb that is closely related to the opium poppy, P. somniferum. Genetic resources for P.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSaxifragaceae, a family of over 600 species and approximately 30 genera of herbaceous perennials, is well-known for intergeneric hybridization. Of the main lineages in this family, the group represents a valuable model for the analysis of plastid capture and its impact on phylogeny reconstruction. In this study, we investigated plastome evolution across the family, reconstructed the phylogeny of the group and examined putative plastid capture between and .
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe D genome progenitor of bread wheat, Cosson (DD, 2n = 2x = 14), which is naturally distributed in Central Eurasia, ranging from northern Syria and Turkey to western China, is considered a potential genetic resource for improving bread wheat. In this study, the chloroplast (cp) genomes of 17 accessions were reconstructed. The cp genome sizes ranged from 135,551 bp to 136,009 bp and contained a typical quadripartite structure of angiosperms.
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October 2019
, which belongs to Butomaceae, is a plant species typical of littoral communities of river and stream shores. Here, we reported and characterized the complete chloroplast (cp) genome of and analyzed its phylogenetic position based on the complete cp genome sequences of 10 species within the core Alimatales. The cp genome is 158,107 bp in length, which consists of a large single-copy region (LSC, 88,140 bp; GC content: 34.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis study reports the whole chloroplast genome of (subgenus ), a foundation tree species of Japanese temperate forests. The genome has a total of 158,227 bp containing 111 genes, including 76 protein-coding genes, 31 tRNA genes and 4 ribosomal RNA genes. Comparison with the only other published chloroplast genome, (subgenus ) shows that the genomes are relatively conserved with no inversions or rearrangements observed while the proportion of nucleotide sites differing between the two species was equal to 0.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe relative roles of geography, climate and ecology in driving population divergence and (incipient) speciation has so far been largely neglected in studies addressing the evolution of East Asia's island flora. Here, we employed chloroplast and ribosomal DNA sequences and restriction site-associated DNA sequencing (RADseq) loci to investigate the phylogeography and drivers of population divergence of Neolitsea sericea. These data sets support the subdivision of N.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Epilithic sister genera Oresitrophe and Mukdenia (Saxifragaceae) have an epilithic habitat (rocky slopes) and a parapatric distribution in East Asia, which makes them an ideal model for a more comprehensive understanding of the demographic and divergence history and the influence of climate changes in East Asia. However, the genetic background and resources for these two genera are scarce.
Results: The complete chloroplast (cp) genomes of two Oresitrophe rupifraga and one Mukdenia rossii individuals were reconstructed and comparative analyses were conducted to examine the evolutionary pattern of chloroplast genomes in Saxifragaceae.
(Myricaceae), also known as Chinese bayberry, is an economically important, subtropical, evergreen fruit tree. The phylogenetic placement of Myricaceae within Fagales and the origin of Chinese bayberry's domestication are still unresolved. In this study, we report the chloroplast (cp) genome of and take advantage of several previously reported chloroplast genomes from related taxa to examine patterns of evolution in Fagales.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFElsholtzia and its allied genera such as Collinsonia and Perilla (tribe Elsholtzieae, Lamiaceae) are an ecologically and economically important plant group consisting of ~71 species, with most species distributed in East and Southeast Asia, and several species in North America. Their phylogeny and historical biogeography resulting in a distant intercontinental disjunction are poorly understood. Here we use two nuclear (ETS, ITS) and five chloroplast (rbcL, matK, trnL-F, ycf1, ycf1-rps15) fragments to reconstruct the phylogeny, biogeographic history, and patterns of diversification of Elsholtzieae.
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