Background: Studies of Primary Adrenal Insufficiency (PAI) in African children are rare but in Sudan, congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) and Triple A syndrome are the most common genetic causes. Differential diagnosis is challenging, especially in resource-limited settings, where presentation can mimic common childhood diseases and facilities for biochemical and genetic testing may be restricted.
Patients & Methods: Forty-eight (48) patients from 43 families (31M:17F) with PAI were included (CAH/Triple A excluded).
We present a 47-year-old, South-African origin, woman with a background of stable monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance (MGUS) who attended A&E with a history of coryzal symptoms associated with persistent fever, lymphadenopathy and a new onset of rash, not responding to antibiotics and paracetamol. A trial of high-dose steroids resolved symptoms. Bone marrow biopsy confirmed a progression of MGUS into multiple myeloma and her axillary lymph node biopsy analysis supported a diagnosis of Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease (KFD).
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