Nanoscale Horiz
February 2025
The coexistence of electric and magnetic orders with intrinsic coupling, referred to as magnetoelectric coupling in multiferroics, has been extensively studied in oxide materials but remains relatively unexplored in van der Waals materials. Among these, CuCrPS (CCPS) is notable for its emergent antiferromagnetic (AFM) and antiferroelectric (AFE) characteristics. However, investigations into magnetoelectric coupling in CCPS are limited, and the effects of dopants on its magnetic properties have yet to be fully addressed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis article presents a systematic review on blockchain-facilitated cybersecurity solutions for Internet of Things (IoT) devices in space-air-ground integrated networks (SAGIN). First, we identify the objectives and the context of the blockchain-based solutions for SAGIN. Although, typically, the blockchain is primarily used to enhance the trustworthiness of some systems or operations, it is necessary to document exactly in what context the blockchain is used that is specific to the IoT and SAGIN.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAs a major crop in the world, the sustainable development of rice is often severely restricted by bacterial blight. Breeding crops with resistance is an efficient way to control bacterial blight. However, enhancing resistance often incurs a fitness penalty, making it challenging to simultaneously increase bacterial blight resistance and yield potential.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Integr Plant Biol
November 2024
The phenotype of rice clustered spikelet mutants results from the upregulation of the FAD/NAD(P)-binding oxidoreductase family gene OsFAD1. Enhanced interaction between OsFAD1 and the transcription factor OsMYBR22 leads to the upregulation of the spikelet clustering-related BR catabolic gene BRD3.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDuring an examination of various specimens previously collected from different locations and times, we discovered seven specimens that had been collected in May 2023 from the Guanyinshan Provincial Nature Reserve, Yuanyang, Yunnan, China. Based on the assessment of morphological characteristics and molecular data analysis, these specimens were determined to represent a previously unidentified species, designated sp. nov.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFN6-methyladenosine (mA) modification plays an important role in RNA molecular functions, therefore affecting the initiation and development of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Herein, multiple datasets were applied to conduct a comprehensive analysis of DEGs within HCC and the analysis revealed significant dysregulation of numerous genes. Functional and signaling pathway enrichment analyses were performed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Thomas, 1915 is the sole species within the genus Mirostrellus and its occurrence is notably rare in China. Despite the recent discovery of four previously unreported specimens from western Yunnan, China (Zaoteng River, 25.31°N, 98.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBiodivers Data J
March 2024
Background: The new species, Kuo et al., 2006, was described from Taiwan, China. So far, no distribution of this species outside Taiwan has been reported.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInt J Syst Evol Microbiol
February 2024
A novel Gram-stain-negative, curved rod-shaped, motile and chitin-degrading strain, designated CD1, was isolated from crawfish pond sediment in Caidian District (30° 58' N 114° 03' E), Wuhan City, Hubei Province, PR China. Growth of this strain was observed at 15-40°C (optimum between 28 and 30 °C), at pH 7.0-9.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFront Psychiatry
February 2024
Introduction: Depression is a prevalent mental illness that is primarily diagnosed using psychological and behavioral assessments. However, these assessments lack objective and quantitative indices, making rapid and objective detection challenging. In this study, we propose a novel method for depression detection based on eye movement data captured in response to virtual reality (VR).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFArsenic (As) is widely present in the environment, and virtually all bacteria possess a conserved operon to resist As toxicity. High selenium (Se) concentrations tend to be cytotoxic. Se has an uneven regional distribution and is added to mitigate As contamination in Se-deficient areas.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe describe a new species of the genus , based on three specimens collected from Guanyinshan Provincial Nature Reserve in Yuanyang County, Honghe Prefecture, Yunnan Province, China. The new species is distinguished from its congeners by one preocular, one postocular or postocular fused with subocular, loreal not bordering the orbit, one row enlarged vertebral scales, five rows keeled mid-dorsal scales at the middle of the body, 189-192 ventral scales and 72-89 subcaudal scales. The dorsal surfaces of the head and body are yellowish red or yellowish brown, and the belly and ventral surfaces of the head and tail are pinkish yellow or yellow with more or less small black spots.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSelenium (Se) is a trace element that is essential for human health. Daily dietary Se intake is governed by the food chain through soil-plant systems. However, the cadmium (Cd) content tends to be excessive in seleniferous soil, in which Se and Cd have complex interactions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe microbial metabolism of toxic antimony (Sb) and the bioremediation of Sb-contaminated environments have attracted significant attention recently. This study identified an Sb(III) metallochaperone AntC in the Sb(III) efflux operon antRCA of Comamonas testosteroni JL40. The deletion of AntC significantly increased the intracellular Sb content in strain JL40 and concomitantly diminished resistance to Sb(III).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAs a consequence of transposon domestication, transposon-derived proteins often acquire important biological functions. However, there have been limited studies on transposon-derived proteins in rice, and a systematic analysis of transposon-derived genes is lacking. Here, for the first time, we conducted a comprehensive analysis of the DDE_Tnp_4 (DDE) gene family, which originated from transposons but lost their transpositional ability and acquired new gene functions in Oryza species.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFColon adenocarcinoma (COAD) is a type of cancer that arises from the glandular epithelial cells that produce mucus in the colon. COAD is influenced by various factors, including genetics, environment and lifestyle. The outcome of COAD is determined by the tumor stage, location, molecular characteristics and treatment.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis article presents a systematic review on autism care, diagnosis, and intervention based on mobile apps running on smartphones and tablets. Here, the term "intervention" means a carefully planned set of activities with the objective of improving autism symptoms. We guide our review on related studies using five research questions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAntimony (Sb) is toxic to ecosystems and potentially to public health via its accumulation in the food chain. Bioavailability and toxicity of Sb have been reduced using various methods for the remediation of Sb-contaminated soil in most studies. However, Sb-contaminated soil remediation by microbial agents has been rarely evaluated.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBone is a naturally mineralized tissue with a remarkable hierarchical structure, and the treatment of bone defects remains challenging. Microspheres with facile features of controllable size, diverse morphologies, and specific functions display amazing potentials for bone regeneration. Herein, inspired by natural biomineralization, a novel enzyme-catalyzed reaction is reported to prepare magnesium-based mineralized microspheres.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNanofiltration membranes are of great significance to the treatment of dye wastewater. Interfacial polymerization is a widely used method to fabricate nanofiltration membranes. In this study, the interaction of tannic acid-assisted polyethylene polyamine (PEPA) with terephthalaldehyde (TPAL) was performed on PES ultrafiltration membranes using novel nitrogen-rich amine monomers and relatively less reactive aldehyde-based monomers.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBacterial strain H33 was isolated from tobacco plant soil and was characterized using a polyphasic taxonomy approach. Strain H33 was a Gram-stain-negative, rod-shaped, non-motile and strictly aerobic bacterium. Phylogenetic analyses based on 16S rRNA gene sequences and coding sequences of the up-to-date bacterial core gene set (92 protein clusters) indicated that H33 belongs to the genus .
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA Gram-negative, aerobic bacterial strain, designated LX-88, was isolated from seleniferous soil in Enshi, Hubei Province, PR China. Strain LX-88oxidized elemental selenium to selenite, and produced carotenoids but not bacteriochlorophyll. The isolate grew optimally at 28 °C, pH 8.
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