Publications by authors named "Lunardon M"

This Letter presents the first measurement of event-by-event fluctuations of the net number (difference between the particle and antiparticle multiplicities) of multistrange hadrons Ξ^{-} and Ξ[over ¯]^{+} and its correlation with the net-kaon number using the data collected by the ALICE Collaboration in pp, p-Pb, and Pb-Pb collisions at a center-of-mass energy per nucleon pair sqrt[s_{NN}]=5.02  TeV. The statistical hadronization model with a correlation over three units of rapidity between hadrons having the same and opposite strangeness content successfully describes the results.

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Targeted Radionuclide Therapy (TRT) is a medical technique exploiting radionuclides to combat cancer growth and spread. TRT requires a supply of radionuclides that are currently produced by either cyclotrons or nuclear research reactors. In this context, the ISOLPHARM project investigates the production of innovative radionuclides for medical applications.

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  • The Letter reports the most accurate measurement so far of the matter-antimatter imbalance during Pb-Pb collisions at a high energy level of 5.02 TeV.
  • It utilizes the Statistical Hadronization framework to determine precise values for the electric charge and baryon chemical potentials, μ_{Q} and μ_{B}.
  • The analysis of antiparticle-to-particle yield ratios shows that the collisions create a system that is generally baryon-free and electrically neutral at midrapidity.
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The ALICE Collaboration reports the measurement of semi-inclusive distributions of charged-particle jets recoiling from a high transverse momentum (high p_{T}) hadron trigger in proton-proton and central Pb-Pb collisions at sqrt[s_{NN}]=5.02  TeV. A data-driven statistical method is used to mitigate the large uncorrelated background in central Pb-Pb collisions.

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Impaired numerosity perception in developmental dyscalculia (low "number acuity") has been interpreted as evidence of reduced representational precision in the neurocognitive system supporting non-symbolic number sense. However, recent studies suggest that poor numerosity judgments might stem from stronger interference from non-numerical visual information, in line with alternative accounts that highlight impairments in executive functions and visuospatial abilities in the etiology of dyscalculia. To resolve this debate, we used a psychophysical method designed to disentangle the contribution of numerical and non-numerical features to explicit numerosity judgments in a dot comparison task and we assessed the relative saliency of numerosity in a spontaneous categorization task.

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K^{+}K^{-} pairs may be produced in photonuclear collisions, either from the decays of photoproduced ϕ(1020) mesons or directly as nonresonant K^{+}K^{-} pairs. Measurements of K^{+}K^{-} photoproduction probe the couplings between the ϕ(1020) and charged kaons with photons and nuclear targets. The kaon-proton scattering occurs at energies far above those available elsewhere.

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Math anxiety and personality influence numeracy, although the nature of their contribution has been overlooked. In the present study, we investigated whether their association with numeracy depended on field of study and gender in higher education. Participants were Italian undergraduates in either the humanities ( = 201) or Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM;  = 209) fields of study.

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  • - This Letter discusses the measurement of ridge yields from charged hadron angular correlations in proton-proton collisions at a high energy of 13 TeV, specifically within certain pseudorapidity and transverse momentum ranges.
  • - The research extends ridge yield measurements to low charged-particle multiplicity regions, where typically a strong interacting medium is not expected to form during collisions.
  • - Findings indicate that ridge yields in pp collisions are significantly higher than those observed in e^{+}e^{-} collisions, suggesting that processes in e^{+}e^{-} annihilations do not significantly influence long-range correlations in proton-proton interactions.
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  • The ALICE detector measured the cross section for incoherent photonuclear production of J/ψ vector mesons, focusing on the Mandelstam |t| variable, during ultraperipheral collisions of Pb nuclei at a very high energy of 5.02 TeV.
  • The measurement was conducted within a rapidity interval of |y|<0.8 and covers a specific range of Bjorken-x values.
  • Analysis showed that models without quantum fluctuations in the gluon density predicted a much steeper |t|-dependence than observed, but including these fluctuations improved the models' alignment with the data.
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The aim of the present study consists of the evaluation of the biodistribution of a novel Ga-labeled radiopharmaceutical, [Ga]Ga-NODAGA-Z360, injected into Balb/c nude mice through histopathological analysis on bioptic samples and radiomics analysis of positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) images. The Ga-labeled radiopharmaceutical was designed to specifically bind to the cholecystokinin receptor (CCK2R). This receptor, naturally present in healthy tissues such as the stomach, is a biomarker for numerous tumors when overexpressed.

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The production of the ψ(2S) charmonium state was measured with ALICE in Pb-Pb collisions at sqrt[s_{NN}]=5.02  TeV, in the dimuon decay channel. A significant signal was observed for the first time at LHC energies down to zero transverse momentum, at forward rapidity (2.

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  • Understanding how parton mass and Casimir color factors affect heavy quark emissions is key to studying quantum chromodynamics (QCD).
  • This research presents the first experimental constraint on the charm-quark splitting function, obtained through measurements in proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV.
  • Findings indicate that charm quarks show a steeper splitting function compared to gluons and light quarks, experiencing fewer emissions with a lower likelihood of large-angle emissions.
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The most precise measurements to date of the _{Λ}^{3}H lifetime τ and Λ separation energy B_{Λ} are obtained using the data sample of Pb-Pb collisions at sqrt[s_{NN}]=5.02  TeV collected by ALICE at the LHC. The _{Λ}^{3}H is reconstructed via its charged two-body mesonic decay channel (_{Λ}^{3}H→^{3}He+π^{-} and the charge-conjugate process).

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  • * A notable negative correlation between the production of antiprotons and antideuterons was found across various collision centralities.
  • * Comparisons with theoretical models show that while a coalescence calculation explains certain statistical features, it struggles with the specifics of antiproton-antideuteron correlations, whereas thermal-statistical models can align with observations but imply different correlation volumes.
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The transverse-momentum (p_{T}) spectra and coalescence parameters B_{2} of (anti)deuterons are measured in p-p collisions at sqrt[s]=13  TeV for the first time in and out of jets. In this measurement, the direction of the leading particle with the highest p_{T} in the event (p_{T}^{lead}>5  GeV/c) is used as an approximation for the jet axis. The event is consequently divided into three azimuthal regions, and the jet signal is obtained as the difference between the toward region, that contains jet fragmentation products in addition to the underlying event (UE), and the transverse region, which is dominated by the UE.

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We study the polarization of inclusive J/ψ produced in Pb-Pb collisions at sqrt[s_{NN}]=5.02  TeV at the LHC in the dimuon channel, via the measurement of the angular distribution of its decay products. We perform the study in the rapidity region 2.

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Several studies have shown that the number line can be a useful tool to support early numeracy development. Here, we conducted a school-based training study to evaluate the effectiveness of the software "The Number Line" ("La Linea Dei Numeri"; Tressoldi and Peroni, 2013) in improving children's mathematical skills. We randomly allocated 10 classes of first, second and third graders (N=183) to one of three experimental groups: one group played with The Number Line; the second group played with Labyrinth, a computerized game designed to train attention skills; the third group had no intervention (business-as-usual).

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Radio Pharmaceutical Therapy (RPT) comes forth as a promising technique to treat a wide range of tumors while ensuring low collateral damage to nearby healthy tissues. This kind of cancer therapy exploits the radiation following the decay of a specific radionuclide to deliver a lethal dose to tumor tissues. In the framework of the ISOLPHARM project of INFN, Ag was recently proposed as a promising core of a therapeutic radiopharmaceutical.

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Background: The role of domain-general cognitive abilities in the etiology of Developmental Dyscalculia (DD) is a hotly debated issue.

Aims: In the present study, we tested whether WISC-IV cognitive profiles can be useful to single out DD.

Methods And Procedures: Using a stringent 2-SD cutoff in a standardized numeracy battery, we identified children with DD (N = 43) within a clinical sample referred for assessment of learning disability and compared them in terms of WISC cognitive indexes to the remaining children without DD (N = 100) employing cross-validated logistic regression.

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Unraveling structure-activity relationships is a key objective of catalysis. Unfortunately, the intrinsic complexity and structural heterogeneity of materials stand in the way of this goal, mainly because the activity measurements are area-averaged and therefore contain information coming from different surface sites. This limitation can be surpassed by the analysis of the noise in the current of electrochemical scanning tunneling microscopy (EC-STM).

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Background: The ability to place numbers on a visual "number line" is a hallmark of the understanding of numerical magnitude and it is a strong predictor of mathematical achievement.

Aim: We examined whether the performance in the number line estimation task is more driven by mental age or experience with numbers in a sample of Italian children with Down syndrome (DS).

Method And Procedure: Sixty-three children with DS (M = 128.

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The study of nuclei and antinuclei production has proven to be a powerful tool to investigate the formation mechanism of loosely bound states in high-energy hadronic collisions. The first measurement of the production of _{Λ}^{3}H in p-Pb collisions at sqrt[s_{NN}]=5.02  TeV is presented in this Letter.

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The under-representation of women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) is ubiquitous and understanding the roots of this phenomenon is mandatory to guarantee social equality and economic growth. In the present study, we investigated the contribution of non-cognitive factors that usually show higher levels in females, such as math anxiety (MA) and neuroticism personality trait, to numeracy competence, a core component in STEM studies. A sample of STEM undergraduate students, balanced for gender (  =   = 70) and Intelligent Quotient (IQ), completed online self-report questionnaires and a numeracy cognitive assessment test.

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The polarization of the Λ and Λ[over ¯] hyperons along the beam (z) direction, P_{z}, has been measured in Pb-Pb collisions at sqrt[s_{NN}]=5.02  TeV recorded with ALICE at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The main contribution to P_{z} comes from elliptic flow-induced vorticity and can be characterized by the second Fourier sine coefficient P_{z,s2}=⟨P_{z}sin(2φ-2Ψ_{2})⟩, where φ is the hyperon azimuthal emission angle and Ψ_{2} is the elliptic flow plane angle.

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The 64Cu-labeled chelator was analyzed in vivo by positron emission tomography (PET) imaging to evaluate its biodistribution in a murine model at different acquisition times. For this purpose, nine 6-week-old female Balb/C nude strain mice underwent micro-PET imaging at three different time points after 64Cu-labeled chelator injection. Specifically, the mice were divided into group 1 (acquisition 1 h after [64Cu] chelator administration, n = 3 mice), group 2 (acquisition 4 h after [64Cu]chelator administration, n = 3 mice), and group 3 (acquisition 24 h after [64Cu] chelator administration, n = 3 mice).

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