Comparative phylogenetics provides a wealth of computational tools to understand evolutionary processes and their outcomes. Advances in these methodologies have occurred in parallel with a surge in cross-species genomic and phenotypic data. To date, however, the majority of published studies have focused on classical questions in evolutionary biology, such as speciation and the ecological drivers of trait evolution.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPremise: Considering rapidly changing fire regimes due to anthropogenic disturbances to climate and fuel loads, it is crucial to understand the underpinnings driving fire-adapted trait evolution. Among the oldest lineages affected by fire is Coniferae. This lineage occupies a variety of fire prone and non-fire prone habitats across all hemispheres and has four fire-adapted traits: (1) thick bark; (2) serotiny; (3) seedling grass stage; and (4) resprouting ability.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCold Spring Harb Perspect Biol
January 2025
Biologists are often stuck between two opposing questions: Why are there so many species and why are there not more? Although these questions apply to the maintenance of existing species, they equally apply to the formation of new ones. The more species specialize in terms of their niches, the more opportunities arise for new species to form and coexist in communities. What sets an upper limit to specialization, thus setting an upper limit to speciation? We propose that MacArthur's theories of species packing and resource minimization may hold answers.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSpecies delimitation is a contentious topic. The genomics revolution initially brought hope that identifying and classifying species would be easier through better methods and more data, but genomics has also brought complexity and controversy to delimitation. One solution can be to collect a larger sample of individuals at a finer geographic scale.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFExplaining broad molecular, phenotypic and species biodiversity patterns necessitates a unifying framework spanning multiple evolutionary scales. Here we argue that although substantial effort has been made to reconcile microevolution and macroevolution, much work remains to identify the links between biological processes at play. We highlight four major questions of evolutionary biology whose solutions require conceptual bridges between micro and macroevolution.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRates of phenotypic evolution vary markedly across the tree of life, from the accelerated evolution apparent in adaptive radiations to the remarkable evolutionary stasis exhibited by so-called "living fossils." Such rate variation has important consequences for large-scale evolutionary dynamics, generating vast disparities in phenotypic diversity across space, time, and taxa. Despite this, most methods for estimating trait evolution rates assume rates vary deterministically with respect to some variable of interest or change infrequently during a clade's history.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAbstractStudies of coevolution in the wild have largely focused on reciprocally specialized species pairs with striking and exaggerated phenotypes. Textbook examples include interactions between toxic newts and their garter snake predators, long-tongued flies and the flowers they pollinate, and weevils with elongated rostra used to bore through the defensive pericarp of their host plants. Although these studies have laid a foundation for understanding coevolution in the wild, they have also contributed to the widespread impression that coevolution is a rare and quirky sideshow to the day-to-day grind of ecology and evolution.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Sex allocation is the distribution of resources to male or female reproduction. In hermaphrodites, this concerns an individual's resource allocation to, for example, the production of male or female gametes. Macroevolutionary studies across hermaphroditic plants have revealed that the self-pollination rate and the pollination mode are strong predictors of sex allocation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTraumatic insemination is a mating behavior during which the (sperm) donor uses a traumatic intromittent organ to inject an ejaculate through the epidermis of the (sperm) recipient, thereby frequently circumventing the female genitalia. Traumatic insemination occurs widely across animals, but the frequency of its evolution, the intermediate stages via which it originates, and the morphological changes that such shifts involve remain poorly understood. Based on observations in 145 species of the free-living flatworm genus , we identify at least nine independent evolutionary origins of traumatic insemination from reciprocal copulation, but no clear indication of reversals.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA number of key processes in evolution are driven by individuals preferring mates with particular phenotypes. However, despite long-standing interest, it is difficult to quantify the strength of mate preference from phenotypic observations in nature in a way that connects directly to key parameters in theoretical models. To bridge the gap between mathematical models and empirical data, we develop a novel maximum likelihood-based method to estimate the strength and form of mate preference, where preference depends on traits expressed in both males and females.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFOceanic islands are known as test tubes of evolution. Isolated and colonized by relatively few species, islands are home to many of nature's most renowned radiations from the finches of the Galápagos to the silverswords of the Hawaiian Islands. Despite the evolutionary exuberance of insular life, island occupation has long been thought to be irreversible.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBiodiversity accumulates hierarchically by means of ecological and evolutionary processes and feedbacks. Within ecological communities drift, dispersal, speciation, and selection operate simultaneously to shape patterns of biodiversity. Reconciling the relative importance of these is hindered by current models and inference methods, which tend to focus on a subset of processes and their resulting predictions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe geographic distribution of biodiversity is central to understanding evolutionary biology. Paleogeographic and paleoclimatic histories often help to explain how biogeographic patterns unfold through time. However, such patterns are also influenced by a variety of other factors, such as lineage diversification, that may affect the probability of certain types of biogeographic events.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAlthough the evolutionary response to random genetic drift is classically modelled as a sampling process for populations with fixed abundance, the abundances of populations in the wild fluctuate over time. Furthermore, since wild populations exhibit demographic stochasticity and since random genetic drift is in part due to demographic stochasticity, theoretical approaches are needed to understand the role of demographic stochasticity in eco-evolutionary dynamics. Here we close this gap for quantitative characters evolving in continuously reproducing populations by providing a framework to track the stochastic dynamics of abundance density across phenotypic space using stochastic partial differential equations.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph
February 2021
Design study is an established approach of conducting problem-driven visualization research. The academic visualization community has produced a large body of work for reporting on design studies, informed by a handful of theoretical frameworks, and applied to a broad range of application areas. The result is an abundance of reported insights into visualization design, with an emphasis on novel visualization techniques and systems as the primary contribution of these studies.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWhether hybridization generates or erodes species diversity has long been debated, but to date most studies have been conducted at small taxonomic scales. Salamanders (order Caudata) represent a taxonomic order in which hybridization plays a prevalent ecological and evolutionary role. We employed a recently developed model of trait-dependent diversification to test the hypothesis that hybridization impacts the diversification dynamics of species that are currently hybridizing.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEcologists often use dispersion metrics and statistical hypothesis testing to infer processes of community formation such as environmental filtering, competitive exclusion, and neutral species assembly. These metrics have limited power in inferring assembly models because they rely on often-violated assumptions. Here, we adapt a model of phenotypic similarity and repulsion to simulate the process of community assembly via environmental filtering and competitive exclusion, all while parameterizing the strength of the respective ecological processes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSpecies interactions lie at the heart of many theories of macroevolution, from adaptive radiation to the Red Queen. Although some theories describe the imprint that interactions will have over long timescales, we are still missing a comprehensive understanding of the effects of interactions on macroevolution. Current research shows strong evidence for the impact of interactions on macroevolutionary patterns of trait evolution and diversification, yet many macroevolutionary studies have only a tenuous relationship to ecological studies of interactions over shorter timescales.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFor centuries, biologists have been captivated by the vast disparity in species richness between different groups of organisms. Variation in diversity is widely attributed to differences between groups in how fast they speciate or go extinct. Such macroevolutionary rates have been estimated for thousands of groups and have been correlated with an incredible variety of organismal traits.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFComparative methods allow researchers to make inferences about evolutionary processes and patterns from phylogenetic trees. In Bayesian phylogenetics, estimating a phylogeny requires specifying priors on parameters characterizing the branching process and rates of substitution among lineages, in addition to others. Accordingly, characterizing the effect of prior selection on phylogenies is an active area of research.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBiological systems consist of elements that interact within and across hierarchical levels. For example, interactions among genes determine traits of individuals, competitive and cooperative interactions among individuals influence population dynamics, and interactions among species affect the dynamics of communities and ecosystem processes. Such systems can be represented as hierarchical networks, but can have complex dynamics when interdependencies among levels of the hierarchy occur.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe evolution of quantitative characters over long timescales is often studied using stochastic diffusion models. The current toolbox available to students of macroevolution is however limited to two main models: Brownian motion and the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process, plus some of their extensions. Here, we present a very general model for inferring the dynamics of quantitative characters evolving under both random diffusion and deterministic forces of any possible shape and strength, which can accommodate interesting evolutionary scenarios like directional trends, disruptive selection, or macroevolutionary landscapes with multiple peaks.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEcomorphology links microhabitat and morphology. By comparing ecomorphological associations across clades, we can investigate the extent to which evolution can produce similar solutions in response to similar challenges. While Anolis lizards represent a well-studied example of repeated convergent evolution, very few studies have investigated the ecomorphology of geckos.
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