Statement Of Problem: How best to restore endodontically treated teeth is still unclear because many types of material and techniques are involved.
Purpose: The purpose of this overview of systematic reviews of clinical studies was to assess the available evidence-based literature on the influence of associated clinical factors on the clinical performance (survival, failure rate, or success) of restored endodontically treated teeth.
Material And Methods: PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science were searched from inception until September 27, 2021, to identify systematic reviews.
Statement Of Problem: The best protocol to restore endodontically treated teeth is still unclear, with many factors to be considered, including the selection and necessity of a post, the type of coronal restoration, the amount of remaining coronal structure, and the type of luting agent.
Purpose: The purpose of this systematic review was to assess the restorative preferences for endodontically treated teeth between dentists and dental students.
Material And Methods: Survey studies, written in English, of dentists and dental students, which evaluated the use of intracanal posts and other restorative options for endodontically treated teeth, were selected.