This study explored beer consumers' and producers' perceptions of using local fruit and agroindustrial by-products in brewing. An online survey was conducted in Italy with 496 beer consumers and 54 beer producers. The survey assessed sociodemographic information, consumption behavior, and support for brewery neolocalism, along with brewers' perceptions of the sustainability of their breweries.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAlthough jellyfish represent a food source in Asia, limited attention has been devoted to investigating Western consumers' perception and acceptance. This study explored the role of jellyfish body parts and presentation form in determining consumer perception. A local consumer test with 106 untrained subjects (57.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEntomophagy studies mainly focused on insects as a generic category, rarely considering insect species. This study investigated the: i) affective response to specific edible insect species; ii) sensory properties characterizing the tested insects and their role in driving preferences and food paring. A sensory test (85 consumers, 56.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSusa Valley, located in the Italian Western Alps, has served as a meeting point for cultural, spiritual, and commercial exchange for a long period of history. The valley's role as one of the main connecting routes between south and southwestern Europe resulted in its acquisition of a rich traditional ecological knowledge. However, like other Italian mountainous valleys, this valley has suffered from abandonment and depopulation in the past 50 years.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe acceptability of upcycled foods is influenced by individual, context and product-related factors. This study aimed at investigating the impact of circular economy (CE) information on consumers' sensory acceptability, purchase intention and perceived value of upcycled foods, taking into account eating behaviours and personality traits that could be related to the consumers' sustainable consumption habits. To this aim, a group of young subjects (n = 80, 18-35 years old) participated in a two-step study.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBiobased and biodegradable polymeric materials are a sustainable alternative to the conventional plastics used in food packaging. This study investigated the possible effect of biobased cling films derived from renewable and circular and sustainable sources on key cheese sensory parameters (appearance and odor) able to influence consumer acceptance or rejection of a food product over time. For this purpose, a semi-hard cheese was selected as food model and stored for 14 days at 5 °C wrapped with five cling films: two bio-plastic materials from renewable circular and sustainable sources (R-BP1 and R-BP2), one bio-plastic film from a non-renewable source (NR-BP), and two conventional cling films (LDPE and PVC).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe current study reports an ethnobotanical field investigation of traditionally gathered and consumed wild greens () in one of the five so-called Blue Zones in the world: Ikaria Isle, Greece. Through 31 semi-structured interviews, a total of 56 wild green plants were documented along with their culinary uses, linguistic labels, and locally perceived tastes. Most of the gathered greens were described as bitter and associated with members of Asteraceae and Brassicaceae botanical families (31%), while among the top-quoted wild greens, species belonging to these two plant families accounted for 50% of the wild vegetables, which were consumed mostly cooked.
View Article and Find Full Text PDF: According to recent studies, tens of millions of tons of fruit are wasted each year in Europe in primary production and home/service consumption. Among fruits, berries are most critical because they have a shorter shelf life and a softer, more delicate, and often edible skin. Curcumin is a natural polyphenolic compound extracted from the spice turmeric ( L.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe sensory effects of grilling wood on consumers' response are poorly understood, despite their potentiality in diversifying dishes. This study investigated both the effects of six materials (beech tree wood, Turkey oak wood, Sangiovese grapevine wood, olive wood, strawberry tree wood, charcoal briquettes) used to grill chicken breast meat on liking and sensory perception and consumers' interest in using wood for grilling. A consumer test was conducted (n = 99 subjects, 45% males, aged from 18 to 65 years), applying a Rate-All-That-Apply test, a liking test, and a questionnaire exploring the interest, the perceived value and the sustainability of wood as part of the food processing.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe concept of food safety is still underexplored among consumers, especially in relationship with the perception of food technology. Through an online survey ( = 489), this study explored: I, how perceived safety is related to products obtained with different technological treatments and described with different commercial information; II, the role of food technology neophobia (FTN) in consumers' safety perception of animal food products. The technological transformation and commercial information significantly affected the perceived safety in all product categories.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFGiven the environmental challenge we face globally, a transition to sustainable diets seems essential. However, the cognitive aspects underlying sustainable food consumption have received little attention to date. The aims of this cross-cultural study were: (1) to explore how impulsivity traits and individuals' knowledge of food environmental impact influence their frequency of consumption of animal- and plant-based foods; (2) to understand the modulation of individual characteristics (i.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPackaging is a leading factor determining the total environmental effect of food products. This study investigated consumers' awareness, behavior and expectations in relation to the environmental sustainability aspects of food packaging. Using an online survey, responses from 646 participants were collected.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn the original publication [1], there was a mistake in "Figure 2, Figure 3, Figure 4, and Figure 5" as published [...
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPrevious studies have shown that the use of labels such as "organic" or "local" may improve the perceived healthiness, attractiveness and taste evaluation of healthy food products and increase their likelihood of being purchased. The aim of this work was to examine whether labeling vegetable items could promote consumption of at least one vegetable dish among students in a university canteen. We analyzed the purchasing of vegetable dishes among 458 students during an eight-week intervention in a university canteen, where vegetable items alternatively received neutral, organic and local labels.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose: Loss of smell decreases the quality of life and contributes to the failure in recognizing hazardous substances. Given the relevance of olfaction in daily life, it is important to recognize an undiagnosed olfactory dysfunction to prevent these possible complications. Up to now, the prevalence of smell disorders in Italy is unknown due to a lack of epidemiological studies.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis study, which was conducted as part of the Italian Taste project, was aimed at exploring the relationship between actual liking and sensory perception in four food models. Each food model was spiked with four levels of prototypical tastant (i.e.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCultured meat (CM) is a potential sustainable novel food. Consumers' attitude towards this product is currently under investigation but a direct comparison of the effect of different types of information on consumers' response to CM is lacking. This study aimed: 1.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSmell, which allows us to gather information about the hedonic value of an odor, is affected by many factors. This study aimed to assess the relationship among individual factors, odor sensitivity, and enjoyment, and to evaluate how overall flavor perception and liking in actual food samples are affected by odor sensitivity. A total of 749 subjects, from four different Italian regions, participated in the study.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFItaly was the first European country struck by the COVID-19 epidemic and experienced a national lockdown. This study explored the effect of lockdown on the perception of any meals prepared and/or conducted at home (home meals) and investigated which variables played a role in this. A group of Italians (n = 3,060) not suspected/diagnosed as having COVID-19 (18-91 years old; 33% males) completed an online survey during the first lockdown (April 2020).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBlue-veined cheese tends to polarize the consumers' affective responses due to its strong flavor. This study aims to: (i) explore the consumers' sensory perceptions and liking of Gorgonzola PDO cheese; (ii) identify the sensory drivers of acceptance for Gorgonzola in the function of the cheese style; (iii) characterize them by the volatile organic compounds (VOCs); and (iv) explore the relationships of the VOCs with sensory perception and liking. Six samples of Gorgonzola cheese differing in style (sweet vs.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe effects induced by heat on and ( L. var. botrytis) during boiling, steaming, and were investigated to elucidate the role of the basic cellular elements in softening and extractability of sterols and tocopherols.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSensory changes during shelf-life of oils have been mostly studied by descriptive methods, while consumer-based approaches have been poorly explored. This study assessed the variations in consumers' liking and sensory perception of extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) and olive oil (OO) packaged in glass, polyethylene terephthalate and tinplate. After 2, 10 and 19 months of storage, oil perception was investigated with consumers (n = 50) performing both a liking test and a check-all-that-apply (CATA) test.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe consumption of phenol-rich foods is limited by their prominent bitterness and astringency. This issue has been addressed by adding sweet tastes, which suppress bitterness, but this is not a complete solution since individuals also differ in their preference for sweetness. In this study, we aimed at identifying groups of consumers differing in sweetness optima and sensory-liking patterns.
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