Publications by authors named "Luis N"

Delayed discharge for non-clinical reasons is defined as a period of stay that continues after a patient has been deemed medically fit to leave the hospital but is unable to do so for non-medical reasons. This circumstance overburdens the healthcare system and constitutes a major problem for healthcare systems and the patients themselves in this situation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the delay in effective discharge for non-medical reasons for patients admitted to acute care hospitals in Spain.

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In this Communication, an investigation of the combination of ,,','-tetramethylchloroformamidinium hexafluorophosphate (TCFH) and -methylimidazole (NMI) for the synthesis of esters and thioesters is described. This work revealed the unique challenges of the reactions of less nucleophilic alcohols and more reactive thiols with the -acyl imidazolium intermediate and led to the identification of general enabling conditions that provide high yields and selectivity for a range of alcohols and thiols.

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Oxidative metabolism is the predominant energy source for aerobic muscle contraction in adult animals. How the cellular and molecular components that support aerobic muscle physiology are put in place during development through their transcriptional regulation is not well understood. Using the Drosophila flight muscle model, we show that the formation of mitochondria cristae harbouring the respiratory chain is concomitant with a large-scale transcriptional upregulation of genes linked with oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) during specific stages of flight muscle development.

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Measuring the positions and dynamics of proteins in intact tissues or whole animals is key to understanding protein function. However, to date, this is challenging, as the accessibility of large antibodies to dense tissues is often limited, and fluorescent proteins inserted close to a domain of interest may affect protein function. These complications apply in particular to muscle sarcomeres, arguably one of the most protein-dense assemblies in nature, which complicates studying sarcomere morphogenesis at molecular resolution.

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Background: Animal studies confirm the utility of hemostatics against standard packing following severe liver injury. We investigated the efficacy and ease of use of novel microporous polysaccharide hemosphere (MPH) compounds (Perclot®, Baxter) in the treatment of severe hepatic hemorrhage in pig.

Methods: Pigs were randomized to one of two equal treatment groups: MPH compounds (n=12) and Standard Packing (n=12).

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Background And Objectives: In March 2020, the World Health Organization announced a state of emergency due to the appearance of a pandemic caused by the Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), a severe acute respiratory syndrome, known as Covid-19. Most governments chose to implement precautionary measures, e.g.

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Muscles generate forces for animal locomotion. The contractile apparatus of muscles is the sarcomere, a highly regular array of large actin and myosin filaments linked by gigantic titin springs. During muscle development many sarcomeres assemble in series into long periodic myofibrils that mechanically connect the attached skeleton elements.

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Complex animals build specialised muscles to match specific biomechanical and energetic needs. Hence, composition and architecture of sarcomeres and mitochondria are muscle type specific. However, mechanisms coordinating mitochondria with sarcomere morphogenesis are elusive.

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Skeletal muscles are composed of gigantic cells called muscle fibers, packed with force-producing myofibrils. During development, the size of individual muscle fibers must dramatically enlarge to match with skeletal growth. How muscle growth is coordinated with growth of the contractile apparatus is not understood.

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Objectives: We aimed to characterize neurocognitive impairment (NI) in an HIV-2 population using an observational cross-sectional study in four Portuguese hospitals.

Methods: Adult HIV-2-infected patients were included. Montreal Cognitive Assessment Test (MoCA) and International HIV Dementia Scale (IHDS) scales were applied for screening of NI.

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From the late 19th century to the beginning of the 20th, the province of Mendoza presented problematic sanitary conditions due to rapid demographic and urban growth, the scarcity of public services, and the poor state of the old colonial city (destroyed by the 1861 earthquake), which facilitated the spread of various infectious diseases. The objective of this article is to inquire into the ways in which the healthcare system in the province of Mendoza both expanded and became increasingly professionalized from the late 19th to early 20th century. We explore how these factors, along with the predominant social representations of disease that permeated the discourses of governing elites, influenced public policy aimed at combating the diseases of the time.

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It is still unclear what drives progression of childhood tumors. During larval development, asymmetrically-dividing neural stem cells, called neuroblasts, progress through an intrinsic temporal patterning program that ensures cessation of divisions before adulthood. We previously showed that temporal patterning also delineates an early developmental window during which neuroblasts are susceptible to tumor initiation (Narbonne-Reveau et al.

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Many chemicals produced by human activities end up in the aquatic ecosystem causing adverse developmental and reproductive effects in aquatic organisms. There is evidence that some anthropogenic chemicals disturb bone formation and skeletal development but the lack of suitable in vitro and in vivo systems for testing has hindered the identification of underlying mechanisms of osteotoxicity. Several fish systems - an in vitro cell system to study extracellular matrix mineralization and in vivo systems to evaluate bone formation and skeletogenesis - were combined to collect data on the osteotoxic activity of 3-methylcholanthrene (3-MC), a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon.

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There are four neurological complications that can occur after malaria treatment at a time when the patient is aparasitaemic: delayed cerebellar ataxia, acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy, post-malaria neurological syndrome and acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM). The authors describe a case of a 54-year-old male who presented with encephalopathy and generalized seizures forty-three days after complete recovery from acute malaria by Plasmodium falciparum. Diagnosis of post-malaria ADEM was made based on the acute onset of the neurological symptoms, characteristic findings in magnetic resonance imaging of the brain and prompt response to steroid therapy.

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Dietary restriction (DR) is one of the most robust lifespan-extending interventions in animals. The beneficial effects of DR involve a metabolic adaptation toward increased triglyceride usage. The regulatory mechanism and the tissue specificity of this metabolic switch remain unclear.

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Neurologic complications related to Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) in immunocompetent adults are rare and most commonly self-limited. However, severe cases have been previously reported in the literature. We describe a case of meningoencephalitis with frontal bilateral hemorrhage in a non-immunocompromised adult following an EBV infection of the central nervous system confirmed by the presence of EBV-DNA in the cerebrospinal fluid.

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This paper presents a study of the quartz fibrous filters used as a substrate for capturing the particulate matter (PM) present in the air. Although these substrates are widely used in environmental applications, their microstructure has been barely studied. The behavior of these devices during the filtration process was investigated in terms of their microstructure and the quartz fibers.

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The molecular details underlying the time-dependent assembly of protein complexes in cellular networks, such as those that occur during differentiation, are largely unexplored. Focusing on the calcium-induced differentiation of primary human keratinocytes as a model system for a major cellular reorganization process, we look at the expression of genes whose products are involved in manually-annotated protein complexes. Clustering analyses revealed only moderate co-expression of functionally related proteins during differentiation.

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Standard therapy for advanced head and neck cancer consists of a combination of surgery and radiation. However, survival of this patient population has not improved during the past 20 years. Many different multimodality treatment schedules have been proposed, and chemotherapy is often used with the intent of organ preservation.

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Human skin copes with harmful environmental factors that are circadian in nature, yet how circadian rhythms modulate the function of human epidermal stem cells is mostly unknown. Here we show that in human epidermal stem cells and their differentiated counterparts, core clock genes peak in a successive and phased manner, establishing distinct temporal intervals during the 24 hr day period. Each of these successive clock waves is associated with a peak in the expression of subsets of transcripts that temporally segregate the predisposition of epidermal stem cells to respond to cues that regulate their proliferation or differentiation, such as TGFβ and calcium.

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Polycomb group proteins (PcGs) generate chromatin-modifying complexes that regulate gene expression. PcGs are categorized into two major groups, polycomb repressive complex 1 (PRC1) and 2 (PRC2), which have classically been thought to function together. Here we discuss recent data challenging this model indicating that the distinct subunit composition of PRC1 confers specific and nonoverlapping functions in embryonic and adult stem cells.

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The reactivation of the INK4-ARF locus, which is epigenetically repressed by Polycomb proteins in healthy cells, is a hallmark of senescence. One mechanism of reactivating Polycomb-silenced genes is mediated by the epigenetic factor ZRF1, which associates with ubiquitinated histone H2A. We show that cells undergoing senescence following oncogenic Ras expression have increased ZRF1 levels, and that this binds to the p15INK4b, ARF and p16INK4a promoters.

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Regional cancer epidemiology is an important basis for determining the priorities for cancer control in different countries worldwide. There is no reliable information about the pattern of head and neck cancer in western Nepal and hence an attempt was here made to evaluate the situation based on hospital data, which provide the only source in the western region of Nepal. A clinicopathological analysis of head and neck cancers treated between 2003 and 2006 in Manipal Teaching Hospital affiliated to Manipal College of Medical Sciences, Pokhara, Western Development Region, Nepal was performed.

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Human epidermal stem cells transit from a slow cycling to an actively proliferating state to contribute to homeostasis. Both stem cell states differ in their cell cycle profiles but must remain guarded from differentiation and senescence. Here we show that Cbx4, a Polycomb Repressive Complex 1 (PRC1)-associated protein, maintains human epidermal stem cells as slow-cycling and undifferentiated, while protecting them from senescence.

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