This paper describes the social architecture model of school-based bullying behavior. The model proposes that the behavior of all students affects rates of bullying. Alongside self-reported victims and bullies, the model identified four bystander roles: assistant, reinforcer, outsider, and defender.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Child Psychol Psychiatry
December 2024
Background: There is not yet a consensus on the best way to conceptualise adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). We used data-driven methods across two populations to examine (a) if there were meaningful dimensions underlying ACEs and (b) whether dimensions were differentially associated with increased risk of adolescent psychopathology.
Methods: Participants were 18,539 British children from the UK Millennium Cohort Study (MCS) and 11,876 American children from the US Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study (ABCD).
Low socioeconomic status (SES) is a well-established risk factor for general and mental health problems. However, there is no widely accepted definition or operationalisation for SES, leading to varied interpretations in research. In a critical review of the child and adolescent mental health literature, we map how SES is defined and measured.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBehavioral parenting programs, such as Incredible Years (IY), reduce conduct problems in children. However, conduct problems encompass many different behaviors, and little is known about the effects of parenting programs on specific aspects of children's conduct problems, such as children's relationships with others. The aim of this study was to examine, for the first time, the effects of the IY parenting program on children's levels of conflict with their parents, siblings, and peers.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Children with developmental language disorder (DLD) experience higher levels of peer victimization than their peers. However, it is not known if such associations reflect genetic and environmental confounding. We used a co-twin control design to investigate the association of language difficulties (DLD and separately poor pragmatic language) with peer victimization and compare the developmental trajectories of peer victimization across adolescence for those with and without language difficulties.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Child Psychol Psychiatry
September 2024
Background: It is estimated that 78% of children experience the death of a close friend or family member by 16 years of age, yet longitudinal research examining the mental health outcomes of wider experiences of bereavement is scarce. We conducted a longitudinal investigation of the association between maternal experienced bereavement before the age of 11 years and offspring depressive and anxiety disorders at age 18 and examined moderation of this association by modifiable parental factors.
Methods: We analysed data from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children, a UK-based birth cohort, including 9,088 child participants with data available on bereavement.
Bullying is a modifiable risk factor for poor mental health across childhood and adolescence. It is also socially patterned, with increased prevalence rates in more disadvantaged settings. The current study aimed to better understand whether school-level disadvantage is associated with different types of bullying roles, and whether it is a moderator in the association between bullying and children's mental health.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Poor comprehenders are traditionally identified as having below-average reading comprehension, average-range word reading, and a discrepancy between the two. While oral language tends to be low in poor comprehenders, reading is a complex trait and heterogeneity may go undetected by group-level comparisons.
Methods: We took a preregistered data-driven approach to identify poor comprehenders and examine whether multiple distinct cognitive profiles underlie their difficulties.
Although common, little is known about the potential impacts of sibling victimization, and how best to ameliorate these. We explored longitudinal associations between sibling victimization and mental health and wellbeing outcomes, and promotive and risk factors that predicted better or worse outcomes following victimization. Data were from >12,000 participants in the Millennium Cohort Study, a longitudinal UK birth cohort, who reported on sibling victimization at age 11 and/or 14 years.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: A major concern throughout the COVID-19 pandemic has been on young people's experiences with mental health. In this study we mapped children and adolescents' mental health trajectories over 13 months of the pandemic and examine whether family, peer, and individual-level factors were associated with trajectory membership.
Methods: This study focuses on a sub-sample from the Co-SPACE study of 3322 children and adolescents (aged 4-16 years) for whom parents completed a survey at Time 0 and at least one follow-up survey between March 2020 and May 2021.
Res Child Adolesc Psychopathol
December 2023
Research on adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) has traditionally relied on cumulative ACE scores, which prevents understanding about the effects of distinct adversities and their mechanistic pathways. Dimensional and person-centred approaches have been proposed as alternative methods to conceptualise ACEs, which address limitations of the cumulative ACE score. In this issue, Sisitsky et al.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUnderstanding how bullying victimisation influences cognitive and emotional processes may help to direct early intervention to prevent the development of psychopathology. In a convenience sample of 67 female adolescents, we assessed the potential of a newly developed classroom-set bullying experience in virtual reality (VR) to evoke psychological reactions. Two VR experiences were co-developed with young people, one neutral and one hostile (bullying).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: Children's experiences of peer victimization and peer aggression are strongly linked to their mental health. However, we do not know how this relationship is influenced by periods of restricted and unrestricted social interactions. In this study, we investigated the following: (1) the bidirectional association between children's peer problems and mental health; (2) individual differences in the joint development of peer victimization, peer aggression, and mental health; and (3) factors associated with joint trajectories over 13 months during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United Kingdom.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Elevated social anxiety is more likely among bullied children than those who have not been bullied but it is not inevitable and may be influenced by cognitive factors. Lower self-esteem and more external locus of control are associated with bullying and social anxiety but the impact of these factors over time among bullied children is less clear.
Method: Children from the UK Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) reported bullying experiences at age 8 (n = 6,704) and were categorized according to level of bullying exposure.
Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic is exacerbating a wide range of symptoms of poor mental health among emergency medical service (EMS) ambulance populations. Evidence suggests that using organisational support can improve employee outcomes and in turn, patient outcomes. Understanding why EMS staff do and do not use support services is therefore critical to improving uptake, ensuring equitable access, and potentially influencing workforce well-being, organisational sustainability and patient care delivery.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Effective antibullying interventions may reduce the impact of bullying on young people's mental health. Nevertheless, little is known about their effectiveness in reducing internalizing symptoms such as anxiety or depression, and what factors may influence intervention effects. The aim of this systematic review, meta-analysis, and metaregression is to assess the effects of school-based antibullying interventions on children's and adolescent's internalizing symptoms.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPoverty alleviation programs, such as cash transfers and monetary grants, may not only lift people out of poverty but, some argue, may improve mental health as well. However, to date, the impact of such programs on children and adolescents' mental health is unclear. We carried out a systematic review and meta-analysis of poverty alleviation interventions providing monetary support and reporting mental health outcomes in 0-19 year olds in low-, middle-, and high-income countries.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Educational achievement is an independent predictor of many life outcomes and so it is important to understand its causes and correlates. Internalising symptoms, encompassing anxiety and depression symptoms, are one candidate influence.
Methods: Using a prospective and genetically-informative design, the present study investigated the associations between internalising symptoms and educational achievement, controlling for IQ at age 7 years and socioeconomic status, among participants of the Twin and Early Development Study (up to N = 10,791).
Background: Reducing bullying is a public health priority. KiVa, a school-based anti-bullying programme, is effective in reducing bullying in Finland and requires rigorous testing in other countries, including the UK. This trial aims to test the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of KiVa in reducing child reported bullying in UK schools compared to usual practice.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose: It is unclear how hospitals are responding to the mental health needs of the population in England, against a backdrop of diminishing resources. We aimed to document patterns in hospital activity by psychiatric disorder and how these have changed over the last 22 years.
Methods: In this observational time series analysis, we used routinely collected data on all NHS hospitals in England from 1998/99 to 2019/20.
Purpose: Bullying behaviours and other conduct problems often co-occur. However, we do not yet know whether bullying behaviours are associated with early factors and later poor outcomes independently of conduct problems. While there are differing, specific interventions for bullying behaviours and for conduct problems, it is unclear if such specificity is justified given parallels between both behaviours.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry
December 2021
Objective: Recent studies suggest mental health in youths is deteriorating. The current policy in the United Kingdom emphasizes the role of schools for mental health promotion and prevention, but little data exist on what aspects of schools influence mental health in pupils. This study explored school-level influences on the mental health of young people in a large school-based sample from the United Kingdom.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Peer victimisation is a common occurrence and has well-established links with a range of psychiatric problems in adulthood. Significantly less is known however, about how victimisation influences positive aspects of mental health such as wellbeing. The purpose of this study was therefore to assess for the first time, whether peer victimisation in adolescence is associated with adult wellbeing.
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