Introduction: Among the screening tests for colorectal cancer, colonoscopy is currently considered the most sensitive and specific technique. However, computed tomography colonography (CTC), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and transrectal ultrasonography have gained significant ground in the clinical practice of pre-treatment, screening and, more recently, post-treatment and surgical evaluation.
Objective: To demonstrate the high accuracy of CT and MRI for pre and postoperative colorectal cancer staging.
Introduction: Contrast computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are widely used due to its image quality and ability to study pancreatic and peripancreatic morphology. The understanding of the various subtypes of the disease and identification of possible complications requires a familiarity with the terminology, which allows effective communication between the different members of the multidisciplinary team.
Aim: Demonstrate the terminology and parameters to identify the different classifications and findings of the disease based on the international consensus for acute pancreatitis ( Atlanta Classification 2012).