Introduction: We presented the anatomical, functional and aesthetic results achieved with lotus petal flap in case of introital stenosis as a results of inadequate primary plastic reconstruction. We discussed the potential advantages of lotus petal flap compared to others vulvar reconstructive techniques.
Presentation Of Case: We report a case of a 44-years old woman presenting a severe introital stenosis following radical surgery for vulvar cancer.
Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of tunneled lotus petal flap in terms of anatomical and cosmetic results in patients who underwent vulvoperineal reconstruction for vulvar malignancy.
Methods: Between March 2010 and July 2011, 22 women underwent vulvoperineal reconstruction using tunneled lotus petal flap for primary or recurrent disease at San Gerardo Hospital, Monza. In 16 cases, lotus flaps were bilateral, whereas in 6 cases, they were monolateral.