Introduction: It is commonplace practice in dedicated clinics or headache units to deal with complex patients referred from general neurology clinics. In our centre, part of the schedule of the dedicated headache clinic (DHC) is reserved for patients referred from primary care (PC) in the form of one-stop clinics.
Aims: To analyse both the characteristics of the patients referred by PC to DHC and the suitability of the agreed referral criteria, and to compare them with the first visits due to headache in a general neurology clinic.
Objective: To analyze the incidence and characteristics of the first 1000 headaches in an outpatient clinic.
Background: Headache is a common cause of medical consultation, both in primary care and in specialist neurology outpatient clinics. The International Classification of Headache Disorders, 2nd Edition (ICHD-II), enables headaches to be classified in a precise and reproducible manner.