Publications by authors named "Louis Howe"

Objective: To assess the association between fear of movement and ankle biomechanics and timed performance in a 505 agility change of direction (COD) test, and to assess the association between the biomechanical indices with timed performance.

Methods: Twenty participants, who play football at a university level or higher, with a history of ankle injuries were recruited. All participants performed three maximal effort 505 agility COD tests.

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The primary aim of this study was to present the physical profile of female cricketers. Secondary, was to assess any differences between playing standard (professional vs. non-professional) and position (seam bowler vs.

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Moran, J, Vali, N, Tallent, J, Howe, L, Clemente, FM, Chaabene, H, and Ramirez-Campillo, R. Evaluating the effects of consecutive phases of plyometric jump training on athletic performance in male soccer players: The effect of training frequency and volume manipulations. J Strength Cond Res 38(6): 1082-1089, 2024-This 14-week, 2-phase study aimed to determine the relative effects of 1 day or 2 days of volume-matched plyometric training on athletic performance (10- and 40-m sprints, change of direction [COD], and vertical jump [VJ]) in male soccer players (phase 1).

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Purpose: To examine the effect of fast- versus slow-speed eccentric-muscle-action resistance training on lower-body strength, vertical jump height, sprint speed, and change-of-direction performance in elite soccer players during a competitive season.

Methods: Twenty-two elite soccer players, from a single team, were randomly assigned to groups that undertook either 1- (fast speed) or 4-second (slow speed) eccentric resistance training during the in-season period. A 5-week program was conducted during an elite top-division European League soccer season.

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Context: Ankle dorsiflexion range of motion (DF ROM) has been associated with a number of kinematic and kinetic variables associated with landing performance that increase injury risk. However, whether exercise-induced fatigue exacerbates compensatory strategies has not yet been established.

Objectives: (1) Explore differences in landing performance between individuals with restricted and normal ankle DF ROM and (2) identify the effect of fatigue on compensations in landing strategies for individuals with restricted and normal ankle DF ROM.

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Uddin, N, Jeffries, O, Read, P, Howe, L, Patterson, S, and Waldron, M. Physiological responses to linear and nonlinear soccer-specific match simulations and their effects on lower-limb muscle fatigue. J Strength Cond Res 34(11): 3232-3240, 2020-The aims of this study were to: (a) investigate the effects of linear and nonlinear soccer simulations on lower-limb muscle function and physiological responses and (b) evaluate the relationship between match-running demands and changes in lower-limb muscle function.

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Howe, LP, Bampouras, TM, North, JS, and Waldron, M. Improved ankle mobility after a 4-week training program affects landing mechanics: a randomized controlled trial. J Strength Cond Res 36(7): 1875-1883, 2022-This study examined the effects of a 4-week ankle mobility intervention on landing mechanics.

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Background: The identification of asymmetrical inter-limb ankle dorsiflexion range of motion (DF ROM) has the potential to influence the course of treatment during the rehabilitation process, with limitations in ankle DF ROM potentially increasing injury risk. However, reliability for methods to identify ankle DF ROM asymmetries remain under described in the literature.

Purpose: To determine the reliability of the trigonometric calculation method for measuring ankle DF ROM during the weight-bearing lunge test (WBLT) for both a single limb and the symmetry values.

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Crowe, MA, Bampouras, TM, Small, K, and Howe, LP. Restricted unilateral ankle dorsiflexion movement increases interlimb vertical force asymmetries in bilateral bodyweight squatting. J Strength Cond Res 34(2): 332-336, 2020-The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of unilateral restrictions in ankle-dorsiflexion range of motion (DF-ROM) on interlimb vertical ground reaction force (vGRF) asymmetries.

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Limited evidence is available concerning ankle dorsiflexion range of motion (DF ROM) and its relationship with landing performance from varying drop heights. The aim of this investigation was to determine the relationship between ankle DF ROM and both kinetic and kinematic variables measured during bilateral drop-landings from 50%, 100% and 150% of countermovement jump height. Thirty-nine participants were measured for their ankle DF ROM using the weight-bearing lunge test, after which five bilateral drop-landings were performed from 50%, 100% and 150% of maximal countermovement jump height.

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Madison, G, Patterson, SD, Read, P, Howe, L, and Waldron, M. Effects of small-sided game variation on changes in hamstring strength. J Strength Cond Res 33(3): 839-845, 2019-Small-sided games (SSGs) are commonly used by soccer practitioners to condition players.

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Purpose: Strength training activities have consistently been shown to improve running economy (RE) and neuromuscular characteristics, such as force-producing ability and maximal speed, in adult distance runners. However, the effects on adolescent (<18 yr) runners remains elusive. This randomized control trial aimed to examine the effect of strength training on several important physiological and neuromuscular qualities associated with distance running performance.

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Introduction: Previous investigations have identified compensatory movement strategies (CMS) within the lower extremity or lumbopelvic complex during closed chain exercises may be associated with a loss of ankle dorsiflexion range of motion (ROM). The aim of this study was to investigate the acute effects of ankle mobilisations on proximal joint kinematics during a movement task that demands a high amount of ankle dorsiflexion ROM.

Methods: Eight healthy males (mean (SD) age 25 (4) years) demonstrating side-to-side asymmetry during the weight-bearing lunge test (WBLT) and CMS during the single-leg step-down exercise were accepted for this study.

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This study investigated the effects of acute branched-chain amino acid (BCAA) supplementation on recovery from exercise-induced muscle damage among experienced resistance-trained athletes. In a double-blind matched-pairs design, 16 resistance-trained participants, routinely performing hypertrophy training, were randomly assigned to a BCAA (n = 8) or placebo (n = 8) group. The BCAAs were administered at a dosage of 0.

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