Introduction: COVID-19 virus has undergone mutations, and the introduction of vaccines and effective treatments have changed its clinical severity. We hypothesized that models that evolve may better predict invasive mechanical ventilation or death than do static models.
Methods: This retrospective study of adult patients with COVID-19 from six Michigan hospitals analysed 20 demographic, comorbid, vital sign and laboratory factors, one derived factor and nine factors representing changes in vital signs or laboratory values with time for their ability to predict death or invasive mechanical ventilation within the next 4, 8 or 24 h.
Objectives: To determine if patients with coronavirus disease 2019 had a greater number of unplanned extubations resulting in reintubations than in patients without coronavirus disease 2019.
Design: Retrospective cohort study comparing the frequency of unplanned extubations resulting in reintubations in a group of coronavirus disease 2019 patients to a historical (noncoronavirus disease 2019) control group.
Setting: This study was conducted at Henry Ford Hospital, an academic medical center in Detroit, MI.