Publications by authors named "Lotfi Benslama"

Introduction: Alopecia resulting from burns represents a surgical challenge, with significant functional, physical, psychological and social consequences. Current management is based on various techniques. However, the results are most often very disappointing.

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[Oral pain].

Rev Prat

February 2002

Pain, a major symptom of stomatological disease, usually leads to a specialist consultation. Most commonly it is caused by dental caries and differs in nature and in intensity according to the stage of disease: dentinitis, pulpitis, desmodontitis and dental abscess. Added to this is peridental pain and the pre- and post-operative pains related to these diseases.

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Infectious stomatitis is bacterial essentially when of dental origin, the viral forms most often causing a vesicular and erosive stomatitis, and fungal secondary to a modification of the oral commensal flora. The diagnosis is often clinical with the lesions being of characteristic appearance and arising in a suggestive context. When the appearance is less typical or when the choice of treatment necessitates the identification of the germ, specific samples are taken.

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