Objectives: Describe the result of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) occlusion using the Amplatz Canine Duct Occluder (ACDO) in 40 dogs. ANIMALS, MATERIAL AND METHODS: Records of the first 41 dogs at Texas A&M University in which ductal occlusion with an ACDO was attempted were reviewed.
Results: Appropriate device release was achieved in 40 of 41 dogs.
Case Description: A 3-year-old sexually intact male Standard Poodle was admitted to the veterinary teaching hospital for transcatheter closure of a large atrial septal defect (ASD).
Clinical Findings: The dog had exercise intolerance and was thin. Findings on physical examination were within normal limits with the exception of a left base systolic heart murmur (grade 5/6).
Objective: To report the outcome of minimally invasive surgical treatment of heartworm caval syndrome in a series of dogs and to provide information on long-term survival of patients with this condition.
Design: Retrospective case series.
Animals: 42 client-owned dogs with a diagnosis of heartworm caval syndrome.
Case Description: A 12-year-old Miniature Dachshund with a history of permanent endocardial pacemaker implantation performed 7 weeks previously was admitted for routine dental prophylaxis.
Clinical Findings: Preanesthetic ECG revealed normal ventricular capture. Thoracic radiographic findings included caudomedial displacement of the endocardial pacemaker lead.