Publications by authors named "Lorenz M"

We describe a case of acute vertebral osteomyelitis with associated prevertebral abscess due to Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae in an immunocompetent adult with recent known traumatic inoculation from the barb of a fish.

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Background And Purpose: Driven by the positive results of randomized, controlled trials of endovascular stroke therapies (EVT) in stroke patients with large vessel occlusion, different approaches to speed up the workflow for EVT candidates are currently being implemented worldwide. We aimed to assess the effect of a simple stroke network-wide workflow improvement project, primarily focusing on i.v.

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Objectives/hypothesis: To report a series of patients with neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2), where each patient underwent both cochlear implantation and auditory brainstem implantation for hearing rehabilitation, and to discuss factors influencing respective implant success.

Study Design: Retrospective case series.

Methods: Ten NF2 patients with both cochlear implantations and auditory brainstem implantations were retrospectively reviewed.

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Correlations were established between the hyperfine field distribution around the Fe atoms, the multiferroic properties, and the high magnetoelectric coefficient in BaTiO-BiFeO multilayer stacks with variable BiFeO single layer thickness, down to 5 nm. Of key importance in this study was the deposition of Fe - enriched BiFeO, which enhances the sensitivity of conversion electron Mössbauer spectroscopy by orders of magnitude. The magnetoelectric coefficient α reaches a maximum of 60.

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Objective: Cancer patients are at high risk of developing deep venous thrombosis (DVT) and venous thromboembolism, a leading cause of mortality in this population. However, it is largely unclear how malignant tumors drive the prothrombotic cascade culminating in DVT.

Approach And Results: Here, we addressed the pathophysiology of malignant DVT compared with nonmalignant DVT and focused on the role of tumor microvesicles as potential targets to prevent cancer-associated DVT.

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O-evolving chlorite dismutases (Clds) efficiently convert chlorite (ClO) to O and Cl. Dechloromonas aromatica Cld ( DaCld) is a highly active chlorite-decomposing homopentameric enzyme, typical of Clds found in perchlorate- and chlorate-respiring bacteria. The Gram-negative, human pathogen Klebsiella pneumoniae contains a homodimeric Cld ( KpCld) that also decomposes ClO, albeit with an activity 10-fold lower and a turnover number lower than those of DaCld.

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Aims: Medical treatment of arterial thrombosis is mainly directed against platelets and coagulation factors, and can lead to bleeding complications. Novel antithrombotic therapies targeting immune cells and neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) are currently being investigated in animals. We addressed whether immune cell composition of arterial thrombi induced in mouse models of thrombosis resemble those of human patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI).

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Abdominal symptoms are a hallmark of Cystic fibrosis (CF). Yet, their association with morphological abnormalities of different abdominal organs is still poorly understood. Aim was therefore to relate these symptoms, assessed with a questionnaire, to findings in abdominal ultrasound (US).

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Blood platelets are critical for hemostasis and thrombosis and play diverse roles during immune responses. Despite these versatile tasks in mammalian biology, their skills on a cellular level are deemed limited, mainly consisting in rolling, adhesion, and aggregate formation. Here, we identify an unappreciated asset of platelets and show that adherent platelets use adhesion receptors to mechanically probe the adhesive substrate in their local microenvironment.

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RhoGC is a fusion protein from the aquatic fungus , combining a type I rhodopsin domain with a guanylyl cyclase domain. It has generated excitement as an optogenetics tool for the manipulation of cyclic nucleotide signaling pathways. To investigate the regulation of the cyclase activity, we isolated the guanylyl cyclase domain from with (GCwCC) and without (GC) the coiled-coil linker.

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Phagocytosis by innate immune cells is one of the most effective barriers against the multiplication and dissemination of microbes within the mammalian host. , a pathogenic yeast, has robust mechanisms that allow survival upon macrophage phagocytosis. survives in part because it can utilize the alternative carbon sources available in the phagosome, including carboxylic acids and amino acids.

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In vitro, the gaseous phase of cigarette smoke is known to induce both isomerization and degradation of dietary carotenoids, such as β-carotene and lycopene. However, the effects of cigarette smoke on the composition of circulating lycopene in vivo are not well understood. In this study, we examined the lycopene profiles of plasma from non-smokers and smokers.

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  • Catheter-related infections and dysfunction are significant complications for hemodialysis patients that lead to increased morbidity and mortality.
  • In a study comparing taurolidine-based lock solutions with citrate solutions in hemodialysis patients, the taurolidine group had significantly fewer infections (0.67 vs. 2.7 per 1000 catheter days) and lower rates of catheter dysfunction.
  • The use of taurolidine solutions resulted in a 43% cost savings compared to citrate solutions, making it a more effective and economical choice for managing tunneled hemodialysis catheters.
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Background: Patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) on maintenance hemodialysis (HD) are at risk for occurrence of vascular access thrombosis and venous thromboembolism (VTE). Understanding the extent of these complications and identifying risk factors can help improve management strategies.

Methods: Adult HD patients were cross-sectionally recruited into the Vienna InVestigation of AtriaL fibrillation and thromboembolism in patients on hemoDIalysis (VIVALDI).

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Thermoelectric devices that are flexible and optically transparent hold unique promise for future electronics. However, development of invisible thermoelectric elements is hindered by the lack of p-type transparent thermoelectric materials. Here we present the superior room-temperature thermoelectric performance of p-type transparent copper iodide (CuI) thin films.

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Background: In current guidelines, 6 hours of fasting is recommended for solids to limit the risk of pulmonary aspiration during anesthesia in children. Ultrasonography has recently been introduced to evaluate gastric volumes in children in the context of preanesthetic fasting. Therefore, in this study, we firstly evaluated the precision of ultrasound assessment of gastric volume in an experimental setting and secondly studied gastric emptying times after a normal breakfast in healthy preschool children using ultrasound.

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Cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) are topical in materials science but their full potential is yet to be fulfilled because of bottlenecks in the production: the process consumes huge amounts of water, recycling the strong acid catalyst is difficult, and purification steps are cumbersome, particularly with lengthy dialysis. Production of CNCs with HCl vapour overcomes many of these difficulties but the dispersion of CNCs from the already hydrolysed fibre matrix is a formidable challenge. This study is a fundamental effort to explore very basic means to facilitate CNC dispersion from cotton linter fibres (filter paper), hydrolysed to levelling off degree of polymerization by HCl vapour.

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Executive function (EF) plays a foundational role in development. A brain-based model of EF development is probed for the experiences that strengthen EF in the dimensional change card sort task in which children sort cards by one rule and then are asked to switch to another. Three-year-olds perseverate on the first rule, failing the task, whereas 4-year-olds pass.

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Background: Isolated transient vertigo can be the only symptom of posterior circulation ischemia. Thus, it is important to differentiate isolated vertigo of a cerebrovascular origin from that of more benign origins, as patients with cerebral ischemia have a much higher risk for future stroke than do those with 'peripheral' vertigo. The current study aims to identify risk factors for cerebrovascular origin of isolated transient vertigo, and for future cerebrovascular events.

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We report 5 individuals in 3 unrelated families with severe thrombocytopenia progressing to trilineage bone marrow failure (BMF). Four of the children received hematopoietic stem cell transplants and all showed poor graft function with persistent severe cytopenias even after repeated transplants with different donors. Exome and targeted sequencing identified mutations in the gene encoding thrombopoietin (): THPO R99W, homozygous in affected children in 2 families, and THPO R157X, homozygous in the affected child in the third family.

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Consumption of tea is inversely associated with cardiovascular diseases. However, the active compound(s) responsible for the protective effects of tea are unknown. Although many favorable cardiovascular effects in vitro are mediated by epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), its contribution to the beneficial effects of tea in vivo remains unresolved.

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The detailed understanding of magnetoelectric (ME) coupling in multiferroic oxide heterostructures is still a challenge. In particular, very little is known to date concerning the impact of the chemical interface structure and unwanted impurities that may be buried within short-period multiferroic BiFeO-BaTiO superlattices during growth. Here, we demonstrate how trace impurities and elemental concentration gradients contribute to high ME voltage coefficients in thin-film superlattices, which are built from 15 double layers of BiFeO-BaTiO.

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Background & Aims: Abdominal symptoms (AS) are a hallmark of the multiorgan-disease cystic fibrosis (CF). However, the abdominal involvement in CF is insufficiently understood and, compared to the pulmonary manifestation, still receives little scientific attention. Aims were to assess and quantify AS and to relate them to laboratory parameters, clinical findings, and medical history.

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