Publications by authors named "Loranskaia T"

For 21 patients with a functional dyspepsia the influencing biologically active additives to nutrition "Pekcecom" on dynamics of clinical symptoms and parameters gastroduodenal motility under the data gastroduodenoscintigraphy was studied. The usage of biologically active additives during 4 weeks was accompanied by deboosting of accelerated gastric emptying for want of statistically significant influencing on a normal and delayed gastric emptying and parameters of duodenal transit.

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Selenium level was determined in sera of 27 patients including 15 patients with chronic gastrointestinal diseases and 12 patients with intestinal malabsorption after some kinds of stomach or small intestine resection. Deficiency of this trace element was found in 5 patients and suboptimal concentration in 4 patients in the first group and in 3 and 5 patients of second group respectively. Supplementation of patients with 45 mg of selenium organic form based on autolysis extract of selenious baker's yeast resulted in increase of selenium level in 23 (85%) patients including all of them with selenium deficiency or suboptimal level.

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The study of actual nutrition of patients with erosive-ulcerative lesions in the gastroduodenal zone and of patients with operated ulcer has revealed defects in intake of essential nutrients by these patients: overeating of animal fat and refined carbohydrates, deficiency of oil, vitamins A, B2, C, D and food fibers.

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Fish oil preparation "Polyen" was used for treatment 21 patients with ulcerative diseases of the stomach or duodenum. The cicatrization of ulcer was diagnosed in 85% of patients treated by "Polyen" and in 60% of those who did not take fish oil. "Polyen" influenced fatty acid composition of erythrocyte membranes and lipid peroxidation.

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The examinations showed the differences in bile secretion and biochemical composition of bile in patients with chronic alcoholism II and III stages (respectively 1 and 2 groups of patients). The patients of group 1 have hypotonic gall-bladder with normal or in some cases increased speed of bile secretion with low contents of cholic acid, cholesterol and bilirubin. A type of bile secretion in patients group 2 is hypotonic-hypokinetic with patterns of bile stagnation.

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Content of IgA, IgG, IgM, C3 and C4 components of complement, properdin factor B, acid glycoprotein, alpha 1-antitrypsin, transferrin and ceruloplasmin were studied using immunochemical procedures in blood serum, gastric and duodenal contents of healthy persons and of patients after stomach resection. In patients with symptoms of malabsorption concentration of IgA and IgG was drastically increased in gastric and duodenal contents by 51% and 188%, respectively, and by 53% and 371%, respectively. Local activation of the complement system was also observed, which involved an increase of C3 component in stomach and small intestine by 122% and 31%, respectively.

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Adequately good consumption of beta-carotene was observed in patients with duodenal ulcer and erosive gastritis after daily treatment with 18 mg of the carotinoid used as 0.1% oil solution: concentration of beta-carotene was increased approximately 3-fold in blood serum of these patients. Concentration of retinol was not increased in blood serum after treatment with beta-carotene, thus indicating that the drug treatment was not dangerous.

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Monosodium glutamate (MSG) taken per os has been found to stimulate gastric secretion provoked by pentagastrin. MSG gave rise to a marked elevation of endogenic gastrin levels both in experimental animals and atrophic gastritis patients. Thirty-six patients with secretory gastric insufficiency received MSG as an additive to their food during combined therapy of their disease.

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The authors report a potentiating effect of sodium glutamate on gastric secretion in subjects free of gastrointestinal diseases. Similar effect has been discovered in dogs. In subjects with gastric hyposecretion (chronic gastritis, functional regulatory disturbances) sodium glutamate combined with pentagastrin is a helpful tool in overall evaluation of gastric secretion.

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A state of blood antioxidant system and patterns of destructive processes in gastric mucosal membrane were studied under conditions of various gastroenterological diseases. Compensatory activation of glutathione peroxidase in erythrocytes and increased consumption of alpha-tocopherol and retinol were observed in these pathological forms. These alterations became less distinct during chronic development of gastric ulcerous disease simultaneously with elevation of destructive processes in gastric mucosal membrane as lysosomal endopeptidases were stimulated.

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On the basis of the follow up of 141 patients after radical operations for gastric cancer, special diet variants have been developed with due regard for postoperative terms and the character of complications after gastric resection. Positive results of dietotherapy were recorded in 71.5% of the patients, that was evidenced by their clinical picture and laboratory data: coprological, biochemical and immunological.

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Altogether 253 patients operated on for peptic ulcer were examined for the action of 30 foods on motor and evacuatory function of the gastric stump and efferent intestinal loop. 213 patients were subjected to gastric resection after Hofmeister-Finsterer and 40 patients to antrum resection and truncal vagotomy. Proceeding from the action on motor function of the gastric stump and efferent intestinal loop the foods were distributed into three groups: with a stimulation, inhibitory of weak effects on the function.

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The findings are presented characterizing the immunologic status of peptic ulcer patients during dietetic treatment. The immunologic shifts detected on admission to hospital (increased reactivity of T cells to specific antigen, immunoglobulin imbalance, changed concentrations of some complement components in the blood serum) were found to normalize under the effect of diets. The authors consider that dietetic treatment should be an obligatory component of the comprehensive management of peptic ulcer patients.

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Exosecretory liver function was studied in patients after gastric resection for peptic ulcer. Disorders of the biochemical composition of the bile were discovered; they were manifested by disproportional formation and secretion of the basic components of the bile: cholic acid, cholesterol and phospholipids, which led to the shift in the bile components ratio and could promote their precipitation. Moreover, the lowering of the content of the basic components of the bile is likely to bring about a substantial derangement of the processes of fat digestion.

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