Publications by authors named "Loosli C"

Heart failure is a raising cause of mortality. Heart transplantation and ventricular assist device (VAD) support represent the only available lifelines for end stage disease. In the context of donor organ shortage, the future role of VAD as destination therapy is emerging.

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Pulsatile positive displacement pumps as ventricular assist devices were gradually replaced by rotary devices due to their large volume and high adverse event rates. Nevertheless, pulsatile ventricular assist devices might be beneficial with regard to gastrointestinal bleeding and cardiac recovery. Therefore, aim of this study was to investigate the flow field in new pulsatile ventricular assist devices concepts with an increased pump frequency, which would allow lower stroke volumes to reduce the pump size.

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Flow fields in rotary blood pumps (RBPs) have a significant influence on hemocompatibility. Because flow characteristics vary with flow rate, different operating conditions play a role. Furthermore, turbulence is crucial in the evaluation of blood damage potential, but the level of turbulence in implantable RBPs is still unknown.

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We aim to maximize the pumping volume of a pulsatile ventricular assist device, where the diaphragm is covered with an endothelial cell layer. These cells are estimated to survive a cyclic strain up to fifteen percent. To increase the pumping volume under this strain constraint we use an approach based on corrugation of the diaphragm in its reference configuration.

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The generation of a living protective layer at the luminal surface of cardiovascular devices, composed of an autologous functional endothelium, represents the ideal solution to life-threatening, implant-related complications in cardiovascular patients. The initial evaluation of engineering strategies fostering endothelial cell adhesion and proliferation as well as the long-term tissue homeostasis requires in vitro testing in environmental model systems able to recapitulate the hemodynamic conditions experienced at the blood-to-device interface of implants as well as the substrate deformation. Here, we introduce the design and validation of a novel bioreactor system which enables the long-term conditioning of human endothelial cells interacting with artificial materials under dynamic combinations of flow-generated wall shear stress and wall deformation.

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Unlabelled: Competency-based education (CBE) stands out at global level as the best educational practice. Indeed, CBE is supposed to improve the quality of care provided by newly graduated nurses. Yet, there is a dearth of knowledge in nursing literature regarding CBE concept's definition.

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The synthesis of tetrakis(tetrathiafulvalene)-annulated metal-free and metallophthalocyanines 5-8 via the tetramerization of the phthalonitrile derivative 4 is reported. All of them have been fully characterized by electronic absorption spectroscopy, thin-layer cyclic voltammetry, mass spectrometry, and elemental analysis. Their solution electrochemical data show two reversible four-electron oxidation waves, indicating that these fused systems are strong pi-electron donors, which give rise to tetra- or octaradical cation species.

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An ultrastructural study of the secretory activity of non-ciliated bronchiolar epithelial (Clara) cells has been made. Membrane-bound, electron-dense granules were observed in the apical cytoplasm of Clara cells, immediately beneath the terminal web, and within terminal web regions, with their limiting membranes in close association with the plasma membrane of the cell. Granules were also observed in cytoplasmic pockets with varying amounts of their surfaces exposed to the bronchiolar, lumen, or within cytoplasmic projections into the lumen.

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The innervation of the pulmonary veins was studied with electron microscopy. The adrenergic and cholinergic nerves were differentiated with potassium permanganate fixation. All three layers of the venous wall, namely, the tunica intima, media and adventitia, contained unmyelinated axons.

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Pulmonary epithelial cell destruction in mice infected with PR8-A influenza virus has been studied with light and electron microscopy and enzyme histochemistry, and correlated with pulmonary surfactant activity. All epithelial cell types were infected by the virus, resulting in destruction, pneumonitis, and atelectasis by seven to ten days. Pulmonary surfactant activity decreased progressively following onset of infection, and was minimal by seven to ten days.

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Influenzal pneumonia has been studied in mice subjected to sublethal doses of airborne PR8-A influenza virus. Electron microscopy revealed that the virus propagated in and at the same time destroyed the ciliated and nonciliated bronchial cells and the types 1 and 2 alveolar pneumocytes. The regenerating bronchial membranes were metaplastic and grew peripherally into the surrounding alveolar ducts and alveoli to form epithelial nodules which caused obstruction and collapse of the involved lobes.

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