Publications by authors named "Lonati L"

We present new developments for an ab-initio model of the neutron relative biological effectiveness (RBE) in inducing specific classes of DNA damage. RBE is evaluated as a function of the incident neutron energy and of the depth inside a human-sized reference spherical phantom. The adopted mechanistic approach traces neutron RBE back to its origin, i.

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  • Asparaginase (ASNase) significantly improves treatment outcomes for pediatric Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL), achieving remissions in about 90% of cases, but its effects on adult solid tumors are not well understood.
  • In a study on three adenocarcinoma cell lines (A549, MCF-7, and 786-O), it was found that A549 and 786-O cells responded differently to ASNase treatment, with A549 showing a typical response while 786-O displayed alterations in cell cycle phases and dysfunctional DNA synthesis.
  • The findings suggest unique mechanisms of ASNase action in solid tumors, particularly in the 786-O cells, indicating a different response than what is seen in leukemic
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Introduction: Long survivors after childhood cancer are increasing thanks to oncological improvements. Their quality of life and fertility-sparing should be considered in the early phases of each oncological pathway. Cryopreservation of ovarian tissue removed before starting gonadotoxic therapies is the only fertility sparing procedure available for prepubertal children affected by cancer and it does not affect the timing of the start of the treatment.

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The comet assay was recently applied for the first time to test the genotoxicity of micrometric stainless steel and cement particles, representative of those produced in the dismantling of nuclear power plants. A large dataset was obtained from in vitro exposure of BEAS-2B lung cells to different concentrations of hydrogenated (non-radiative control) and tritiated particles, to assess the impact of accidental inhalation. Starting from the distributions of the number of nuclei scored at different extent of DNA damage (% tail DNA values), we propose a new comet data treatment designed to consider the inhomogeneity of the action of such particles.

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Background: Acute appendicitis (AA) is one of the most common acute surgical conditions in children. Coagulation tests (CoTs) are usually utilized in preoperative assessment to rule out hemorrhagic risks. Our study aimed to evaluate the role of CoTs as predictors for the severity of AA.

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Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor (IMT) is a mesenchymal tumor that can occur at any age. However, it is primarily seen in children, with the most common site being in the lung parenchyma, usually present with rare endobronchial lesions. This case reports the incidence in a 3-year-old girl diagnosed with pericardiac pneumonia treated with antibiotics with no clinical improvement.

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Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the most prominent form of colon cancer for both incidence (38.7 per 100,000 people) and mortality (13.9 per 100,000 people).

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Biological effects of radioactive particles can be experimentally investigated in vitro as a function of particle concentration, specific activity and exposure time. However, a careful dosimetric analysis is needed to elucidate the role of radiation emitted by radioactive products in inducing cyto- and geno-toxicity: the quantification of radiation dose is essential to eventually inform dose-risk correlations. This is even more fundamental when radioactive particles are short-range emitters and when they have a chemical speciation that might further concur to the heterogeneity of energy deposition at the cellular and sub-cellular level.

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Colorectal cancer is among the three top cancer types for incidence and the second in terms of mortality, usually managed with surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. In particular, radiotherapeutic concepts are crucial for the management of advanced rectal cancer, but patients' survival remains poor, despite advances in treatment modalities. The use of well-characterized cell culture systems offers an important preclinical strategy to study mechanisms at the basis of cell response to therapeutic agents, including ionizing radiation, possibly leading to a better understanding of the response to the treatment.

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Cell cycle progression can be studied with computational models that allow to describe and predict its perturbation by agents as ionizing radiation or drugs. Such models can then be integrated in tools for pre-clinical/clinical use, e.g.

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Tritium has been receiving worldwide attention, particularly because of its production and use in existing fission reactors and future nuclear fusion technologies, leading to an increased risk of release in the environment. Linking human health effects to low-dose tritium exposures presents a challenge for many reasons. Among these: biological effects strongly depend on the speciation of tritiated products and exposure pathway; large dosimetric uncertainties may exist; measurements using in vitro cell cultures generally lack a description of effects at the tissue level, while large-scale animal studies might be ethically questionable and too highly demanding in terms of resources.

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co-culture models between tumor cells and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) allow studying the interplay between these cell populations, potentially gaining insight into the response of the immune system to the presence of the tumor, as well as to possible other agents as radiation used for therapeutic purposes. However, great care is needed in the experimental optimization of models and choice of conditions, as some setups might offer a limited possibility to capture subtle immune perturbations. A co-culture model of PBMCs from healthy donors and colorectal adenocarcinoma Caco-2 cells was successfully adopted in a previous work to measure effects on Caco-2 and modulation of signaling when these latter are irradiated.

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Lipoblastomas are rare benign mesenchymal tumors that arise from embryonal fat cells. They are usually discovered in infants and children under 3 years of age, and mostly occur in the trunk (from 10 to 60%, depending on the study) and extremities (from 40 to 45%), while head and neck localizations are rare, with only five cases described to date. We report on three cases of lipoblastomas in infants younger than 4 years, with unusual localizations: one intra-abdominal, discovered during a laparotomy for an intussusception; one pelvic, misdiagnosed as an ovarian mass; and one gluteal with a pelvic extension.

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Gastrostomy tube placement (G-Tube) is a frequently offered procedure in children with feeding difficulties. Various procedures exist for G-Tube, with the pull technique more commonly used for a percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) in children, considered by many to be the safer approach. Major complications requiring reoperation range from 3% to 5%, depending on the study.

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Background Pheochromocytomas (PCCs) and paragangliomas (PGLs) are known to physicians as the "great mimickers" because of their variable presentation, especially in the pediatric population. Rarely, they co-secrete other hormones. Case presentation An 11-year-old boy presented with severe hypertension (HTN) with cardiac target organ damage.

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Essential hypertension is a complex clinical condition, characterized by multiple and concomitant abnormal activation of different regulatory and contra-regulatory pathophysiological mechanisms, leading to sustained increase of blood pressure (BP) levels. Asymptomatic rise of BP may, indeed, promote development and progression of hypertension-related organ damage, which in turn, increases the risk of major cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events. A progressive and independent relationship has been demonstrated between high BP levels and increased cardiovascular risk, even in the high-to-normal range.

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Benign intra-abdominal cystic masses in infancy are fairly uncommon and their etiopathogenesis, histology and clinical presentation differ significantly. Our aim is to report our experience in their treatment in order to discuss the best diagnostic and treatment modality. The medical records of 5 children (2M, 3F) with cystic intraabdominal masses referred to our hospital between November 2012 and September 2016, were retrospectively reviewed.

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During blood pressure (BP) measurement, the recommended positioning of the cuff bladder center is directly above the brachial artery. We investigated the relevance of incorrect cuff positioning during (1) auscultatory measurement with an appropriate or improperly small cuff and (2) oscillometric measurement with a wide-range cuff designed to guarantee accurate measurements regardless of position. In subjects with wide BP and arm circumference ranges, (1) auscultatory BP was repeatedly measured with a properly positioned cuff (reference) and, simultaneously, with an identical cuff placed on the other arm in either a correct or an incorrect position (test).

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. Acute appendicitis is the most common surgical emergency in the pediatric population. The peak incidence occurs in the first decade of life, while it is uncommon to face appendicitis in children younger than 5 years of age.

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Background: Hypertension and severe obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) may independently contribute to left ventricular diastolic dysfunction. However, scanty data is available on this issue in hypertensives with mild-moderate OSA.

Methods And Results: We performed polysomnography, echocardiography and 24h ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in 115 treated essential hypertensives with suspicion of OSA.

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Objective: Adrenergic activation and baroreflex dysfunction are common in established essential hypertension, elderly hypertension, masked and white-coat hypertension, resistant hypertension, and obesity-related hypertension. Whether this autonomic behavior is peculiar to established hypertension or is also detectable in the earlier clinical phases of the disease, that is, the high-normal blood pressure (BP) state, is still largely undefined, however.

Methods: In 24 individuals with optimal BP (age: 37.

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Feeding gastrostomy is used worldwide for adults and children with feeding impairment to obtain long-term enteral nutrition. Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy insertion is considered the gold standard, but after the first months requires gastrostomy tube replacement with a low-profile button. The replacement is known as an easy procedure, but several minor and major complications may occur during and after the manoeuvre.

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