An algorithm is described that for the first time accurately computes the true object-color solid. Previous methods have computed only approximations to the true object-color solid since they have been based on Schrödinger's (partially incorrect) assumption that optimal reflectances contain only two transitions. There are, however, three- and four-transition optimal reflectances and these additional reflectances lead to a larger object-color solid than one based on two-transition reflectances alone.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFParasitic fauna of the White Sea cod, Gadus morhua marisalbi; the navaga, Eleginus nawaga; and the shorthorn sculpin, Myoxocephalus scorpius, in the White Sea was repeatedly studied, but no large-scale parasitological surveys have been made in the recent three decades. To fill this gap, we conducted a survey of the helminths of these three fish species at the White Sea Biological Station (Karelia, Russia) of the Lomonosov Moscow State University in August 2021. The navaga (50 specimens studied) was found to be infected with 13 species of helminths; the White Sea cod (50 specimens), with 12 species; and the shorthorn sculpin (21 specimens), with 13 species.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe object- and light-colour palettes prove to be different for both trichromats and dichromats. This explains why there is no consensus on what colours dichromats see, since, until now, studies of dichromatic vision have mainly focused on the light-colour palette. By contrast, this study concentrates on the dichromatic object-colour palette, assuming that it is as much determined by optimal reflectances as the trichromatic palette.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: Introduction: Today, chronic pain remains a pressing medical and socio-economic problem, despite the rapid development of medical technologies, the presence of a vast arsenal of drug and non-drug treatments. Estimates for chronic pain prevalence ranged from 8% to 60%. At the same time, about 40% of patients report insufficient effectiveness in the treatment of chronic pain syndrome.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn order to study the features of hemodynamics in the vertebral artery (VA), depending on the biomechanical disorders of the cervical spine (CS) and the musculoskeletal system as a whole 105 patients (53 females and 52 males, mean age - 38±5,9 years) having signs of the Vertebrobasilar insufficiency on the background of biomechanical disorders of the CS and the locomotor system as a whole were examined. The control group included 50 practically healthy persons (25 females and 25 males, mean age - 37±5,6 years). Physical examination included a clinical-neurological, vertebro-neurological examination (visual assessment of violations of statics and dynamics of the musculoskeletal system, measuring the craniovertebral angle (CVA) using a photogrammetric method, manual diagnostics for the detection of muscular-tonic syndromes and musculoskeletal dysfunction) and Doppler ultrasound of extra- and intracranial segments of VA.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLiposomal carnosine could overcome the problems associated with direct application of this peptide. Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects of liposomal and non-liposomal carnosine in adjuvant arthritis were compared. The experiments were done on healthy animals, untreated arthritic animals, arthritic animals with oral administration of carnosine, and with subcutaneous administration of liposomal carnosine, both administered in the same daily dose of 150 mg/kg b.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Vertigo is one of the most common complaints among patients consulting neurologists and general practitioners - family medicine. A special form of dizziness is cervical vertigo. However, the presence of chronic vertigo and imbalance in this group of patients makes it possible to include the treatment of vestibular rehabilitation in the program.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCarnosine (CARN) is an anti-glycating agent able to quench superoxide, and to neutralize 4-hydroxynonenal. Trolox-carnosine (CARN-T) was synthesized because of its resistance against degradation and to improve CARN antioxidant capacity. We evaluated the impact of trolox (TRO), CARN and its derivative CARN-T on oxidative stress (OS) in brain during rat adjuvant arthritis (AA).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjects reflecting lights, which invoke the identical responses of the photoreceptors, are called metameric. Metameric objects match each other in color. Assuming all the reflecting objects equiprobable, the probability density distribution on the set of all the classes of mutually metameric objects is evaluated.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWhen in shadow, the achromatic object colours appear different from when they are in light. This immediate observation was quantitatively confirmed by Logvinenko and Maloney (2006, Perception & Psychophysics, 68, 76-83) who, using multidimensional scaling (MDS), showed the two-dimensionality of achromatic object colours. As their experiments included only cast shadows, a question arises: is this also the case for attached shadows? Recently, Madigan and Brainard (2014) argued in favour of the negative answer.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWhile the notion of a color cone can be found in writings of Maxwell, Helmholtz, Grassmann, and other scientists of the nineteenth century, it has not been clearly defined as yet. In this paper, the color cone is understood as the set of points in the cone excitation space produced by all possible lights. The spectral curve representing all the monochromatic lights is shown not to entirely belong to the color cone boundary, since its ends turn into the color cone interior.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFColour constancy needs to be reconsidered in light of the limits imposed by metamer mismatching. Metamer mismatching refers to the fact that two objects reflecting metameric light under one illumination may reflect non-metameric light under a second; so two objects appearing as having the same colour under one illuminant can appear as having different colours under a second. Yet since Helmholtz, object colour has generally been believed to remain relatively constant.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMetamer mismatching has been previously found to impose serious limitations on colour constancy. The extent of metamer mismatching is shown here to be considerably smaller for trichromats than for dichromats, and maximal for monochromats. The implications for achromatic colour perception are discussed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFColor is commonly described in terms of the three perceptual attributes-hue, saturation, and brightness-of which only hue has a qualitative nature, saturation and brightness being of a quantitative nature. A possible reason for such a phenomenological structure of the color manifold, and its geometric representation, are discussed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Gastritis and gastric cancer are the most common diseases in the Kazakh population. Polymorphisms in genes coding of cytokines have been played important role with gastric disease risk. The risk alleles of cytokines in patients with gastritis can predict the risk of developing gastric cancer.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA new algorithm for calculating the metamer mismatch volumes that arise in colour vision and colour imaging is introduced. Unlike previous methods, the proposed method places no restrictions on the set of possible object reflectance spectra. As a result of such restrictions, previous methods have only been able to provide approximate solutions to the mismatch volume.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAtten Percept Psychophys
April 2015
Unique hues are usually defined as those that cannot be introspectively reduced to any other hue. According to a major dogma of color science, there are four unique hues: yellow, blue, red, and green. Yet only 55 of the 173 inexperienced observers who participated in our experiment selected exactly four Munsell papers that, according to their judgment, had a unique hue.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEach hue is believed to be made up of the four component hues (yellow, blue, red, and green). A hue consisting of just one component hue is called unitary (or unique). A new technique--partial hue-matching--has been used to reveal the component and unitary hues for a sample of 32 Munsell papers, which were illuminated by neutral, yellow, blue, green, and red lights and assessed by four normal trichromatic observers.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA nonparametric, small-sample-size test for the homogeneity of two psychometric functions against the left- and right-shift alternatives has been developed. The test is designed to determine whether it is safe to amalgamate psychometric functions obtained in different experimental sessions. The sum of the lower and upper p-values of the exact (conditional) Fisher test for several 2 × 2 contingency tables (one for each point of the psychometric function) is employed as the test statistic.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAlthough asymmetric colour matching has been widely used in experiments on colour constancy, an exact colour match between objects lit by different chromatic lights is impossible to achieve. We used a modification of this technique, instructing our observers to establish the least dissimilar pair of differently illuminated coloured papers. The stimulus display consisted of two identical sets of 22 Munsell papers illuminated independently by neutral, yellow, blue, green and red lights.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIt is widely believed that color can be decomposed into a small number of component colors. Particularly, each hue can be described as a combination of a restricted set of component hues. Methods, such as color naming and hue scaling, aim at describing color in terms of the relative amount of the component hues.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFContrary to the implication of the term "lightness constancy", asymmetric lightness matching has never been found to be perfect unless the scene is highly articulated (i.e., contains a number of different reflectances).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIt is generally accepted that hues can be arranged so as to make a circle. The circular representation of hue has been supported by multidimensional scaling, which allows for the representation of a set of colored papers as a configuration in a Euclidean space where the distances between the papers correspond to the perceptual dissimilarities between them. In particular, when papers of various hues are evenly illuminated, they are arranged in a one-dimensional circular configuration.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObservers can easily differentiate between a pigmented stain and the white surface that it lies on. The same applies for a colour shadow cast upon the same surface. Although the difference between these two kinds of colour appearance (referred to as material and lighting hues) is self-evident even for inexperienced observers, it is not one that has been captured by any colour appearance model thus far.
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