The German Central Committee for the Fight against Tuberculosis (DZK) celebrates this year its 125 birthday. On this occasion, the DZK as one of the oldest TB organizations worldwide is looking back on the development during its history and records the results in a comprehensive book, summarized in this article. In the book, the various political changes with their impact on the DZK are mirrored, starting with the German Empire, the Weimar Republic, the so-called "Third Reich", the two German states separated after the Second World War and the current FRG.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEstimates of healthcare costs for incident bronchiectasis patients are currently not available for any European country.Out of a sample of 4 859 013 persons covered by German statutory health insurance companies, 231 new bronchiectasis patients were identified in 2012. They were matched with 685 control patients by age, sex and Charlson Comorbidity Index, and followed for 3 years.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWhen the National Socialists came to power in 1933, a complete paradigm shift took place in the health policy under the principle "Public interest ahead of self-interest". In the early years there was an intense discussion about whether tuberculosis (TB) is more caused by heredity or by infection. Finally, the arguments of leading TB specialists were accepted that TB is predominantly an infectious disease.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: Pulmonary disease (PD) caused by Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) is increasing worldwide. We conducted a systematic review of studies that include microbiologic outcomes to evaluate current macrolide-based treatment regimens.
Methods: We searched literature published before April 2017 by using the MEDLINE, Cochrane, and Embase databases.
Non-tuberculous mycobacterioses comprise a group of diseases caused by mycobacteria which do not belong to the Mycobacterium (M.) tuberculosis-complex and are not ascribed to M. leprae.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn this position paper, the adverse health effects of cannabis are reviewed based on the existing scientific literature; in addition possible symptom-relieving effects on some diseases are depicted. In Germany, cannabis is the most widely used illicit drug. Approximately 600,000 adult persons show abusive or addictive cannabis consumption.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Occup Med Toxicol
February 2016
Background: Immigrants have been contributing to the incidence of tuberculosis (TB) in Germany for many years. The current wave of migration of asylum seekers to Germany may increase that figure. Healthcare workers (HCW) who look after refugees not only in hospitals and medical practices but also in aid projects may be exposed to cases of TB.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWorldwide there are annually about 9.6 million new cases and 1.5 million deaths due to tuberculosis (TB).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInt J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis
March 2016
Purpose: Screening for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) in "men aged over 65 years who have ever smoked" is a recommended policy. To reduce the number of screenings, it may be of value to define subgroups with a higher prevalence of AAA. Since chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and AAA are associated with several common risk factors, this study investigates the prevalence of AAA in COPD patients.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTuberculosis (TB) in adults can present in a large number of ways. The lung is the predominant site of TB. Primary pulmonary TB should be distinguished from postprimary pulmonary TB, which is the most frequent TB manifestation in adults (70%-80% cases).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFOn the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Scientific Working Group for the Therapy of Lung Diseases (WATL) the history is described from its foundation to the present situation. Research topics during this long period are specified and the studies are briefly outlined. In the beginning, WATL was engaged mainly in studies on tuberculosis, later on, the spectrum of WATL was broadened considerably to diseases like sarcoidosis, pulmonary Langerhans' cell histiocytosis, pulmonary emphysema due to α1-antitrypsin deficiency, chronic obstructive bronchitis and bronchial asthma as well as nontuberculous mycobacterioses.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNontuberculous mycobacterioses comprise a group of diseases caused by mycobacteria which do not belong to the Mycobacterium (M.) tuberculosis complex and are not ascribed to M. leprae.
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