Publications by authors named "Lobinski R"

Grapevine trunk diseases (GTDs), particularly Esca, represent a major challenge for viticulture worldwide, leading to substantial economic losses. With no effective control treatments available, developing new methods such as biocontrol is crucial for managing GTDs. Our aim was to select biocontrol bacteria effective against the white-rot fungal pathogen Fomitiporia mediterranea (Fmed) and to investigate their mechanisms of action.

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We previously used high pressure liquid chromatography coupled with Se-specific inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and molecule specific (ESI Orbitrap MS/MS) detection to study the increase in liver Se in turkeys and rats supplemented as selenite in high-Se (5 µg Se/g diet) and adequate-Se diets. We found that far more Se is present as selenosugar (seleno-N-acetyl galactosamine) than is present as selenocysteine (Sec) in true selenoproteins. In high-Se liver, the increase in liver Se was due to low molecular weight selenometabolites such as glutathione-, cysteine-, and methyl-conjugates of the selenosugar, but also as high molecular weight species as selenosugars decorating general proteins via mixed Se-S bonds.

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This study investigates whether nanoplastics are significant contributor of rare earth elements (Gd) transportation under environmental conditions. Important effects of nanoplastic concentration, Gd concentration, complexation with organic ligands, pH, ionic strength and occurrence of natural colloids competitor were studied thanks to an experimental design combining incubation follow by ultrafiltration and ICPMS analyses. In particular, we observed that even in sea water, about half of the gadolinium can be adsorbed on nanoplastics.

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The complete characterization of selenium-enriched yeast in terms of selenium species has been the goal of extensive research for the last three decades. This contribution addresses the two outstanding questions: the mass balance of the identified and reported selenium species and the possible presence of inorganic selenium. For this purpose, four procedures have been designed combining, in diverse order, the principal steps of selenium speciation analysis in Se-rich yeast: extraction of the Se-metabolome, derivatization of cysteine and Se-cysteine (SeCys) residues, proteolysis, and definitive Se recovery using SDS extraction, followed by mineralization.

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Background: Ag-Au bimetallic nanoparticles (BNPs), synthesized by using citrate reduction of Ag and Au ions, were used as sensor for detection of Co. In order to optimize sensing performance, it is necessary to control the particle size and size distribution of the original Ag-Au BNPs. Therefore, analytical methods based on the use of single particle inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (SP-ICP-MS) and flow-field flow fractionation (FlFFF)-ICP-MS were developed to track the signal of Ag and Au in bimetallic nanoparticles at each step of the procedure: BNP synthesis, aggregation and sensing in order to understand the sensing mechanism.

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The use of platinum-based anticancer drugs, such as cisplatin, oxaliplatin, and carboplatin, is a common frontline option in cancer management, but they have debilitating side effects and can lead to drug resistance. Combination therapy with other chemotherapeutic agents, such as capecitabine and gemcitabine, has been explored. One approach to overcome these limitations is the modification of traditional Pt(II) drugs to obtain new molecules with an improved pharmacological profile, such as Pt(IV) prodrugs.

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The reactivity of thioredoxin (Trx1) with the Au(I) drug auranofin (AF) and two therapeutic N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC)-Au(I) complexes (bis [1-methyl-3-acridineimidazolin-2-ylidene]gold(I) tetrafluoroborate (Au3BC) and [1,3-diethyl-4,5-bis(4methoxyphenyl)imidazol-2-ylidene]gold(I) (Au4BC)) was investigated. Direct infusion (DI) electrospray ionization (ESI) mass spectrometry (MS) allowed information on the structure, stoichiometry, and kinetics of formation of Trx-Au adducts. The fragmentation of the formed adducts in the gas phase gave insights into the exact Au binding site within the protein, demonstrating the preference for Trx1 Cys32 or Cys35 of AF or the (NHC)-Au(I) complex Au3BC, respectively.

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Solution interactions of three organomercury compounds, i.e., methylmercury chloride, thimerosal and phenylmercury acetate, with a group of biochemically relevant proteins, namely cytochrome c (Cyt c), ribonuclease A (RNase A), carbonic anhydrase I (hCA I), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and serum albumin (HSA), were investigated using an established ESI MS approach.

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A low pKa (5.2), high polarizable volume (3.8 Å), and proneness to oxidation under ambient conditions make selenocysteine (Sec, U) a unique, natural reactive handle present in most organisms across all domains of life.

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For many organisms, metallophores are essential biogenic ligands that ensure metal scavenging and acquisition from their environment. Their identification is challenging in highly organic matter rich environments like peatlands due to low solubilization and metal scarcity and high matrix complexity. In contrast to common approaches based on sample modification by spiking of metal isotope tags, we have developed a two-dimensional (2D) Solid-phase extraction-Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (SPE-LC-MS) approach for the highly sensitive (LOD 40 fmol per g of soil), high-resolution direct detection and identification of metallophores in both their noncomplexed (apo) and metal-complexed forms in native environments.

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Selenomethionine (SeMet) as a methionine analog can be incorporated into protein. In turkeys, we recently found that selenium (Se) as selenite is not metabolized to SeMet but rather to selenosugars (seleno-N-acetyl galactosamine) bound to protein as well as to selenocysteine (Sec) in selenoproteins. To characterize the metabolism of SeMet, we fed rats graded levels of SeMet from 0 to 5 µg Se/g in a Se-deficient diet for 4 wk, and investigated the fate and accumulation of liver Se using high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled with Se-specific inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and molecule specific (Orbitrap MS/MS) detection.

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Using high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled with selenium-specific inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and molecule specific (Orbitrap MS/MS) detection, we previously found that far more selenium (Se) is present as selenosugar (seleno-N-acetyl galactosamine) in Se-adequate turkey liver than is present as selenocysteine (Sec) in true selenoproteins, and that selenosugars account for half of the Se in high-Se turkey liver. To expand these observations to mammals, we studied Se metabolism in rats fed graded levels of selenite from 0 to 5 μg Se/g for 4 wk. In Se-adequate (0.

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A method for the analysis of essential metals (Fe, Cu, Mg, and Zn) and non-metals (P, S) in single red blood cells was developed by single cell (SC)-ICP-MS. The use of a triple quadrupole configuration (MS/MS) enabled an effective elimination of polyatomic interferences, which affect the accuracy of ICP-MS analysis using a single quadrupole mass analyzer. Fixation with glutaraldehyde for at least 90 days was developed to improve the quantification of elements in a single red blood cell.

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Methylmercury, mercury (II), and mercury (I) chlorides were found to react with vasopressin, a nonapeptide hormone cyclized by two cysteine residues, and its mono- and diselenium analogues to form several mercury-peptide adducts. The replacement of Cys by SeCys in vasopressin increased the reactivity toward methylmercury, with the predominant formation of -Se/S-Hg-Se-bridged structures and the consequent demethylation of methylmercury. In competitive experiments, CHHgCl reacted preferentially with the diselenium analogue rather than with vasopressin.

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Bacteria degrading large portion of saturated hydrocarbons are important for crude oil bioremediation. This study investigates Novosphingobium sp. S1, Gordonia amicalis S2 and Gordonia terrae S5 capability of degrading wide range of saturated hydrocarbons from Congo Bilondo crude oil and discusses the degradation pathway.

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Auranofin, a gold(I)-based complex, is under clinical trials for application as an anticancer agent for the treatment of nonsmall-cell lung cancer and ovarian cancer. In the past years, different derivatives have been developed, modifying gold linear ligands in the search for new gold complexes endowed with a better pharmacological profile. Recently, a panel of four gold(I) complexes, inspired by the clinically established compound auranofin, was reported by our research group.

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Harmful algal blooms events have been reported worldwide and during the last decades are occurred with increasing frequency and intensity due to the climate change and the high inputs of nutrients in freshwaters from anthropogenic activities. During blooms cyanobacteria release in water their toxic secondary metabolites, known as cyanotoxins, along with other bioactive metabolites. Due to the negative impacts of these compounds on aquatic ecosystems and public health, there is an urgent need to detect and identify known and unknown cyanobacterial metabolites in surface waters.

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A method was developed for the quantification of iron-siderophore complexes by electrospray high-resolution accurate mass (HRAM) mass spectrometry (MS) without the need for authentic standards. The bulk of iron-siderophore complexes was purified by solid-phase extraction (SPE) and concentrated by evaporation. The individual complexes were identified by fast size-exclusion chromatography (FastSEC)-Orbitrap MS on the basis of the exact molecular mass (±1 ppm) and MS or MS fragmentation.

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Detection of microplastics in environmental samples requires fast, sensitive and selective analytical techniques, both in terms of the size of the microparticles and their concentration. Single particle inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (SP-ICP-MS) allows the detection of plastic particles down to ca. 1 µm and down to concentrations of 100 particles per mL.

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The Salicornia genus has great potential in agrifood industries because of its nutritional benefits related to its high content of antioxidant compounds, including flavonoids. A nontargeted method based on reversed-phase liquid chromatography-electrospray orbitrap data-dependent MS/MS and the fragment ion search (FISh) strategy was developed to screen flavonoids in Salicornia plants. An extensive study of fragmentation of a set of flavonoid standards allowed for the definition of 15 characteristic fragment ions for flagging flavonoids in the plant matrix.

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Due to problems with selenium deficiency in humans, the search for new organic molecules containing this element in plant biofortification process is highly required. Selenium organic esters evaluated in this study (E-NS-4, E-NS-17, E-NS-71, EDA-11, and EDA-117) are based mostly on benzoselenoate scaffolds, with some additional halogen atoms and various functional groups in the aliphatic side chain of different length, while one compound contains a phenylpiperazine moiety (WA-4b). In our previous study, the biofortification of kale sprouts with organoselenium compounds (at the concentrations of 15 mg/L in the culture fluid) strongly enhanced the synthesis of glucosinolates and isothiocyanates.

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The influence of the fermentation process on selenite metabolism by a probiotic Bifidobacterium longum DD98 and its consequent enrichment in selenium (Se) were studied. The effects of sodium selenite (Na2SeO3) concentration (18-400 μg/ml), feeding time (12, 16, and 24 h), and fermentation stage (secondary and tertiary fermentation) were evaluated by measuring (i) the total Se content and its distribution between the water-soluble metabolome fraction and the water-insoluble fraction; (ii) the total concentrations of the two principal Se compounds produced: selenomethionine (SeMet) and γ-glutamyl-selenomethionine (γ-Glu-SeMet), and (iii) the speciation of Se in the metabolite fraction. The results revealed that the fermentation process notably changed the Se incorporation into metabolites (γ-Glu-SeMet and free SeMet) and proteins (bound-SeMet) in B.

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The detection and quantification of exogenous metal complexes are crucial to understanding their activity in intricate biological media. Mn complexes are difficult to detect and quantify because of low association constants, and high lability. The superoxide dismutase (SOD) mimic (or mimetic) labelled Mn1 is based on a 1,2-di-aminoethane functionalized with imidazole and phenolate and has good intrinsic anti-superoxide, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-activated intestinal epithelial HT29-MD2 cells, similar to that of its propylated analogue labelled Mn1P.

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Selenium (Se)-enriched probiotics are potential sources of organic Se in the human diet, but their application in food is debated because most selenized probiotics and their metabolites are not well-characterized. We analyzed a Se-enriched probiotic, DD98, to unveil its Se metabolite profiles by two-dimensional high-performance liquid chromatography inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (HPLC-ICP MS) and HPLC-electrospray ionization Orbitrap MS. A major Se metabolite was identified as gamma-glutamyl-selenomethionine (γ-Glu-SeMet), which accounted for 42.

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Oxidative stress is known to play a major role in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs), and, in particular, superoxide dismutase (SODs) defenses were shown to be weakened in patients suffering from IBDs. SOD mimics, also called SOD mimetics, as low-molecular-weight complexes reproducing the activity of SOD, constitute promising antioxidant catalytic metallodrugs in the context of IBDs. A Mn(II) complex SOD mimic (Mn1) based on an open-chain diaminoethane ligand exerting antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects on an intestinal epithelial cellular model was shown to experience metal exchanges between the manganese center and metal ions present in the biological environment (such as Zn(II)) to some degrees.

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