Telosma mosaic virus (TeMV) is an important plant virus causing considerable economic losses to passion fruit () production worldwide, including China. In this study, the complete genome sequence (excluding the poly (A) tail) of two TeMV isolates, Fuzhou and Wuyishan, were determined to be 10,050 and 10,057 nucleotides, respectively. Sequence analysis indicated that Fuzhou and Wuyishan isolates share 78-98% nucleotide and 83-99% amino acid sequence identities with two TeMV isolates of Hanoi and GX, and a proposed new potyvirus, tentatively named PasFru.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA potyvirus (isolate PFV-FJ) infecting passion fruit in China was identified by small-RNA sequencing. The complete genome sequence of PFV-FJ was determined to be 9974 nucleotides, excluding the poly(A) tail. PFV-FJ shares 70-72% nucleotide and 69-74% amino acid sequence identity at the polyprotein level with seven reported potyviruses, but 89% nucleotide and 91% amino acid sequence identity with an unreported potyvirus, tentatively named "passionfruit Vietnam potyvirus" (PVNV-DakNong).
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