Mung bean-based milk (MBM) is a novel plant-based milk that offers several benefits. However, being a legume, the biggest challenge of MBM is its instability and off-flavor. The present study investigated changes in physical-chemical properties and flavor compounds during the ultrasound treatment of MBM.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLactosylation of lysines occurs during the heating of dairy products, yet how lactosylation impact the lysine release during digestion remains largely unknown. This study examines the effect of lactosylation on the digestibility of lactotransferrin using chemical analysis, proteomics, and peptidomics. Under the applied heating conditions, lactotransferrin primarily undergoes early-stage Maillard reactions, producing lactulose-lysine.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) comprises a heterogeneous group of conditions that can cause marked disability and diminished quality of life. Data on predictors of clinical response are insufficient to guide selection of the appropriate biologic agent for individual patients. This study aimed to investigate the propensity of S100A8/9 and S100A12 as predictive biomarkers of abatacept response in polyarticular-course juvenile idiopathic arthritis (pJIA).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Postpartum depression (PPD) is a serious psychiatric disorder that has significantly adverse impacts on maternal health. Metabolic abnormalities in the brain are associated with numerous neurological disorders, yet the specific metabolic signaling pathways and brain regions involved in PPD remain unelucidated.
Methods: We performed behavioral test in the virgin and postpartum mice.
Exhausted CD8 T cells (T) are associated with worse outcome in cancer yet better outcome in autoimmunity. Building on our past findings of increased TIGITKLRG1 T with teplizumab therapy in type 1 diabetes (T1D), in the absence of treatment we found that the frequency of TIGITKLRG1 T is stable within an individual but differs across individuals in both T1D and healthy control (HC) cohorts. This TIGITKLRG1 CD8 T population shares an exhaustion-associated EOMES gene signature in HC, T1D, rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and cancer subjects, expresses multiple inhibitory receptors, and is hyporesponsive , together suggesting co-expression of TIGIT and KLRG1 may broadly define human peripheral exhausted cells.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPlant-based milk (PBM) alternatives are gaining popularity worldwide as the change of consumers' nutritional habits and health attitudes. Mung beans, recognized for their nutritional value, have gained attention as potential ingredients for PBM. Nevertheless, mung bean-based milk (MBM) faces instability issues common to other plant-based milks.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is related to various cardiovascular diseases. However, the relationship between LPS and new-onset atrial fibrillation (NOAF) after ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) has yet to be elucidated. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of LPS on NOAF in STEMI patients.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: Bronchoscopy and endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration (EBUS-TBNA) are two essential methods for obtaining the pathological diagnosis of central lung masses or hilar and mediastinal lymphadenopathy. We can observe that many patients have a fever after examinations, but the pathogenesis is not yet fully clear. We tried to comprehensively assess the occurrence of postoperative fever and bacterial infections in patients undergoing bronchoscopy and endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration (EBUS-TBNA) procedures.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFProtein lactosylation is a significant modification that occurs during the heat treatment of dairy products, causing changes in proteins' physical-chemical and nutritional properties. Knowledge of the detailed lactosylation information on milk proteins under various heat treatments is important for selecting appropriate thermo-processing and identifying markers to monitor heat load in dairy products. In the present study, we used proteomics techniques to investigate lactosylated proteins under different heating temperatures.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Glycosylation is one of the essential post-translational modifications that influences the function of milk proteins.
Methods: In the present study, 998 proteins and 764 glycosylated sites from 402 glycoproteins were identified in human milk by TMT labeling proteomics. Compared to human milk proteins, the glycoproteins were mainly enriched in cell adhesion, proteolysis, and defense/immune process.
The current study characterized the combating memory impairment effect of seabuckthorn seed protein (SSP) and the arginine (Arg)-enriched peptides (SSPP) on d-galactose-induced brain aging in mice. The Arg content in SSP and SSPP were 10.11 and 17.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: To investigate correlations between biomarkers of bone remodelling and extracellular matrix turnover with baseline disease activity and treatment response in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis (RA).
Methods: ssessing ery arly heumatoid arthritis reatment-2 (AVERT-2; NCT02504268) included disease-modifying antirheumatic drug-naive, anti-citrullinated protein antibody (ACPA)-positive patients randomised to weekly subcutaneous abatacept+methotrexate (MTX) or abatacept placebo+MTX for 56 weeks. This post hoc exploratory subanalysis assessed the association between baseline disease activity and eight biomarkers (Spearman's correlation coefficient), and whether baseline biomarkers (continuous or categorical variables) could predict treatment response at weeks 24 and 52 (logistic regression).
Comput Intell Neurosci
August 2022
Every country, including China, is deeply concerned and interested in the topic of agricultural machinery automation. The world's population is growing at an astronomical rate, and as a result, the need of food is also growing at an astronomical rate. Farmers are forced to apply more toxic pesticides since traditional methods are not up to the task of meeting the rising demand.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: We developed a pragmatic dichotomous grading criterion to stratify the acute tubular injury (ATI) of deceased-donor kidneys. We intended to verify the predictive value of this criterion for the prognosis of deceased-donor kidney transplantation.
Methods: The allografts with ATI were classified into severe and mild groups.
Objective: To retrospectively investigate the relationship between apolipoprotein E (APOE) gene polymorphism and in-stent restenosis (ISR) after stenting at the beginning of the vertebral artery.
Methods: The study included 155 patients who successfully underwent stenting at the beginning of the vertebral artery and had postoperative digital subtraction angiography or computed tomography angiography. Based on the follow-up results, they were divided into the restenosis (ISR) group and non-restenosis (non-ISR) group.
While the discovery of immune checkpoint inhibitors has led to robust, durable responses in a range of cancers, many patients do not respond to currently available therapeutics. Therefore, an urgent need exists to identify alternative mechanisms to augment the immune-mediated clearance of tumors. Hematopoetic progenitor kinase 1 (HPK1) is a serine-threonine kinase that acts as a negative regulator of T-cell receptor (TCR) signaling, to dampen the immune response.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis cross-sectional and longitudinal descriptive analysis aimed to track the evolving landscape of global immuno-oncology (IO) trials and provide insight into the resolution of IO-related controversies. Clinical trials (n = 4510) registered on in 2007 to 2019 studying immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs), adoptive cell transfer (ACT), cancer vaccines and immune modulators were included.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Immunother Cancer
January 2021
Background: Hematopoietic progenitor kinase 1 (HPK1 or MAP4K1) has been demonstrated as a negative intracellular immune checkpoint in mediating antitumor immunity in studies with HPK1 knockout and kinase dead mice. Pharmacological inhibition of HPK1 is desirable to investigate the role of HPK1 in human immune cells with therapeutic implications. However, a significant challenge remains to identify a small molecule inhibitor of HPK1 with sufficient potency, selectivity, and other drug-like properties suitable for proof-of-concept studies.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe fast-onset antidepressant actions of ketamine at subanaesthetic doses have attracted enormous interest in psychiatric disease treatment. However, the severe psychotomimetic side effects foster an urgent need to deeply understand the fast-onset antidepressant mechanism of ketamine. Ketamine, as a non-competitive NMDAR antagonist, increases the overall excitability of the mPFC, which is presumed to be essential for the antidepressant action of ketamine.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFClinical studies have demonstrated that exposure to the inhalational general anesthetic nitrous oxide (NO) produces antidepressant effects in depressed patients. However, the mechanisms underlying the antidepressant effects of NO remain largely unknown. Neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS)-mediated nitric oxide (NO) synthesis is essential for brain function and underlies the molecular mechanisms of many neuromodulators.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: We aimed to evaluate the effect of prolonged recovery from DGF on outcomes, using a new definition of DGF recovery time, among deceased donor kidney transplant recipients with DGF, and to examine the risk factors for prolonged recovery.
Methods: From 2007 to 2016, 91 deceased donor kidney transplant recipients with DGF were retrospectively analyzed. DGF recovery time was defined as the time from transplantation to achieve a stable estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR).
Clinical trials are powerful weapons in the battle against nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC). Based on clinical trials conducted in the past two decades, concurrent chemoradiotherapy combined with adjuvant chemotherapy or induction chemotherapy has been recommended as the standard treatment for locoregionally advanced NPC in various guidelines. However, there remain shortcomings concerning current treatment modalities that should be refined in future research.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe parallel medicinal chemistry (PMC) was effectively applied to accelerate the optimization of diacylglycerol O-acyltransferase I (DGAT-1) inhibitors. Through a highly collaborative and iterative library design, synthesis and testing, a benzimidazole lead was rapidly and systematically advanced to a highly potent, selective and bioavailable DGAT1 inhibitor with the potential for further development.
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