Publications by authors named "Lisa Bray"

This guideline will provide up-to-date, evidence-based recommendations on the safe use of non-biologic DMARDs, also called conventional synthetic DMARDs (csDMARD), across the full spectrum of autoimmune rheumatic diseases. The guideline will update the guideline published in 2017 and will be expanded to include people of all ages. Updated information on the monitoring of DMARDs and vaccinations will be included.

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Purpose: Breast cancer survivors are at increased risk of cancer recurrence, second malignancies, and other comorbid conditions. This study examined if use of a convenient, commercially available, $65 per month app that gives breast cancer survivors access to a health and wellness coach is more effective than a self-guided toolkit and one-time health education session at achieving the following goals: 1) improving adherence to a plant-based diet, 2) increasing physical activity, 3) assisting with weight loss and reduction in body mass index, 4) reducing elevated depression and fatigue scores, and 5) leading to sustained adherence to lifestyle and wellness plan at and beyond 6 months.

Methods: A nonrandomized 2-group control study design with pre-post repeated measures (N=127 subjects) was utilized.

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A dysregulation in the homeostasis of metals such as copper, iron and zinc is speculated to be involved in the pathogenesis of tauopathies, which includes Alzheimer's disease (AD). In particular, there is a growing body of evidence to support a role for iron in facilitating the hyperphosphorylation and aggregation of the tau protein into neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs) - a primary neuropathological hallmark of tauopathies. Therefore, the aim of this study was to characterize the spatial and temporal brain metallomic profile in a mouse model of tauopathy (rTg(tauP301L)4510), so as to provide some insight into the potential interaction between tau pathology and iron.

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Acrodermatitis enteropathica (AE) is a rare disease characterised by a failure in intestinal zinc absorption, which results in a host of symptoms that can ultimately lead to death if left untreated. Current clinical treatment involves life-long high-dose zinc supplements, which can introduce complications for overall nutrient balance in the body. Previous studies have therefore explored the pharmacological treatment of AE utilising metal ionophore/transport compounds in an animal model of the disease (conditional knockout (KO) of the zinc transporter, ), with the perspective of finding an alternative to zinc supplementation.

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Tauopathies are characterized by the pathological accumulation of the microtubule associated protein tau within the brain. We demonstrate here that a copper/zinc chaperone (PBT2, Prana Biotechnology) has rapid and profound effects in the rTg(tauP301L)4510 mouse model of tauopathy. This was evidenced by significantly improved cognition, a preservation of neurons, a decrease in tau aggregates and a decrease in other forms of "pathological" tau (including phosphorylated tau and sarkosyl-insoluble tau).

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Cranial ultrasound scans are undertaken in this tertiary neonatal intensive care unit by the doctors within the department. A quality improvement project was undertaken by means of two PDSA cycles to determine adherence to neonatal cranial ultrasound scanning schedule, assess the quality of scan reporting, and formulate a comprehensive guideline outlining best practice. The baseline measurements assessed 93 scans of preterm infants and 9 of term infants.

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Autosomal recessive inheritance of NPC1 with loss-of-function mutations underlies Niemann-Pick disease, type C1 (NP-C1), a lysosomal storage disorder with progressive neurodegeneration. It is uncertain from limited biochemical studies and patient case reports whether NPC1 haploinsufficiency can cause a partial NP-C1 phenotype in carriers. In the present study, we examined this possibility in heterozygotes of a natural loss-of-function mutant Npc1 mouse model.

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Metals have a number of important roles within the brain. We used laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) to map the three-dimensional concentrations and distributions of transition metals, in particular iron (Fe), copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) within the murine brain. LA-ICP-MS is one of the leading analytical tools for measuring metals in tissue samples.

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The loss of cognitive function is a pervasive and often debilitating feature of the aging process for which there are no effective therapeutics. We hypothesized that a novel metal chaperone (PBT2; Prana Biotechnology, Parkville, Victoria, Australia) would enhance cognition in aged rodents. We show here that PBT2 rapidly improves the performance of aged C57Bl/6 mice in the Morris water maze, concomitant with increases in dendritic spine density, hippocampal neuron number and markers of neurogenesis.

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