Iran J Basic Med Sci
November 2014
Objectives: To examine the expressions of CD11a, CD11b, and CD11c integrins in the myocardial tissues of rats with isoproterenol-induced myocardial hypertrophy. This study also provided morphological data to investigate the signal transduction mechanisms of myocardial hypertrophy and reverse it.
Materials And Methods: A myocardial hypertrophy model was established by subcutaneously injecting isoprenaline in healthy adult Sprague-Dawley rats.
Cell Physiol Biochem
November 2015
Objectives: To investigate the expression dynamic of nanog gene in the development of rat myocardial tissues.
Methods: SD rats were studied at 5 time points before and after birth. The techniques of immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence, western blotting and RT-PCR were used to investigate the expression of nanog gene in the rat myocardial tissues at different embryonic (E) and postnatal (P) stages, and image analysis system was used for the quantitative analysis.
After the publication of the article, the authors noted that they had made an error regarding certain facts in their manuscript: In the abstract VEGF192 (132-158) should be changed to VEGF183 (132-158) (Page 1, Line 2). In addition, width should be changed to width2 (Page 3, Line 50). The authors regret these errors.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA chimeric plasmin‑resistant vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)165/VEGF183 (132-158) protein, named as VEGF183 (according to the nomenclature of VEGF), designed by a previous study, was demonstrated to have an enhanced affinity for the extracellular matrix (ECM) amongst other bioactivities. However, it is now accepted that mutant VEGFs frequently demonstrate different angiogenic activities and produce different vascular patterning from the parental molecule. The present study hypothesized that VEGF183, due to its enhanced binding affinity to the ECM, would exhibit a different angiogenic activity and produce a different vascular patterning compared to those of VEGF165.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIonic liquids (ILs) have elicited attention due to their unique properties. ILs may pose environmental risks to aquatic ecosystems once released into water during generation and application. Therefore, the toxic and antimicrobial properties of ILs should be analysed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe aim of the present study was to examine the expression of N-cadherin in the myocardial tissues of isoproterenol-induced myocardial hypertrophy in rats. In addition, the present study provided morphological data to investigate the signal transduction mechanisms of myocardial hypertrophy and reverse myocardial hypertrophy. A myocardial hypertrophy model was established by subcutaneously injecting isoprenaline into healthy adult Sprague-Dawley rats.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTitanium net (meshes) with excellent mechanical properties can promote bone compatibility and has been used as a repairing material for bone defects in clinical settings. In the present study, using spiral computed tomography (CT) and histomorphological techniques, we investigated the effect of a novel kind of titanium web with a three-dimensional (3D) porous structure on bone formation in rabbit skull (os parietal) defect. The images from the spiral CT scan demonstrate that the titanium web is completely fused with the surrounding bone tissue, even at the first month after implantation.
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