Zhonghua Shi Yan He Lin Chuang Bing Du Xue Za Zhi
December 2009
Objective: To investigate pave a way for studying pathogenicty of HBoV.
Methods: Isolation and cell culture of HBoV by human bronchial epithelial cell line, which was founded in our laboratory. The morphology of the virus were primarily studied with a transmission electron microscope.
Zhonghua Shi Yan He Lin Chuang Bing Du Xue Za Zhi
December 2009
Objective: To clone and express VP, gene from HBoV, and the expressed VP, protein was as the antigen in order to detect serum from children in Wenling area with lower respiratory tract infections.
Methods: The VP, gene was recombined with the genome of Baculovirus, which infected the insect cell. The fusion protein with HA tag was applied to confirm the specificity of expressed protein.