Background: To report on clinical presentation and outcomes of children who underwent liver transplantation (LTx) and were subsequently diagnosed to have Niemann-Pick type C (NPC).
Methods: Retrospective, descriptive, multi-centre review of children diagnosed with NPC who underwent LTx (2003-2018). Diagnosis was made by filipin skin test or genetic testing.
Background & Aims: Chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is a global health burden. Although HCV infection rarely contributes to morbidity during childhood, most HCV-infected children develop chronic HCV with a lifetime risk of liver disease. Little is known about the development of long-term liver disease and the effect of treatment in patients infected with HCV in childhood.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr
December 2018
Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the long-term efficacy of polyethylene glycol (PEG) during maintenance treatment of childhood functional constipation (FC) in a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial.
Methods: Children (2-16 years) with FC according to the Rome III criteria were randomly assigned to maintenance treatment with PEG or placebo for 24 weeks. Children reporting treatment failure before 24 weeks were switched to conventional treatment.
Unlabelled: Functional fecal incontinence (FFI) is divided into cases related to functional constipation (FC) and cases without concomitant constipation termed functional non-retentive fecal incontinence (FNRFI). Transanal irrigation (TAI) is widely used in children with neurogenic fecal incontinence but is less studied in children with functional defecation disorders. The aim was to evaluate the feasibility and efficacy of TAI in the treatment of FFI.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAim: Constipation studies have only evaluated behavioural difficulties in children with faecal incontinence. This study evaluated changes in behavioural difficulties in childhood with functional constipation (FC) with and without faecal incontinence, based on treatment outcomes.
Methods: Children aged five to 16 years who fulfilled the Rome III criteria for FC received conventional treatment.
J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr
April 2016
Objectives: Guidelines recommend close follow-up during the treatment of childhood functional constipation. Only sparse evidence exists on how follow-up is best implemented. Our aim was to evaluate whether follow-up by phone or self-management through Web-based information improved treatment outcomes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAim: To study whether diurnal variations and time in relation to defecation has to be taken into account when measurements of rectal diameter are used to determine faecal impaction in constipated children.
Methods: Repeated ultrasound measures of rectal diameter were performed in 28 children (14 constipated/14 healthy, aged between 4 and 12 years) every third hour during 24 h. After defecation, three additional scans were performed at 1-h intervals.
Aim: Most research on functional constipation has been carried out at a tertiary level. We focused this study on a secondary-level hospital outpatients' department, assessing the distribution of diagnostic criteria for childhood functional constipation and evaluating the consequences of current diagnostic practice based on current guidelines.
Methods: We enrolled 235 children, aged two to 16 years of age, with functional constipation according to the Rome III criteria and assessed them using medical histories and physical examinations, including rectal examinations and ultrasound measurements of rectal diameter.