Publications by authors named "Linda Andre"

Background: The current study was undertaken to determine the degree of activation of gallbladder mucosal mast cells, whether mast cell (MC) density or activation differ between patients with and without a positive clinical response to cholecystectomy, and whether either density or activation correlate with gallbladder emptying.

Results: Fifteen biliary dyskinesia (BD) and 13 symptomatic cholelithiasis (CL) patients undergoing cholecystectomy were prospectively enrolled. Gallbladder wall MC density (by immunohistochemistry) and activation (by electron microscopy) were determined.

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Background: Alteration in autonomic function has been implicated as a possible pathophysiologic mechanism in functional dyspepsia (FD) in adults.

Methods: This was a two-part study. For the first part of the study, nine children with FD and 28 controls underwent heart rate variability (HRV) analysis for 30 min baseline and for 60 min following a test meal.

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Objectives: To compare water load test consumption patterns between children with functional gastrointestinal disorders and healthy control children.

Methods: Seventy-one children with recurrent abdominal pain completed the Behavioral Assessment Scale for Children-Self-Report Form and the Questionnaire on Pediatric Gastrointestinal Symptoms during their first visit to a pediatric gastroenterology clinic. Parent- and child-report functional gastrointestinal diagnoses were based on the Questionnaire on Pediatric Gastrointestinal Symptoms scoring criteria, whereas the clinician's diagnosis was based on clinical impression from history and physical examination completed at this visit.

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The current study examined whether electrogastrogram (EGG) recordings obtained from healthy children would be considered normal by standards established for adults and whether EGG patterns differ between children/adolescents and adults. Twenty-eight healthy children (54% females; ages 8-17 years; mean = 12.4 years) were evaluated and compared to 15 healthy adults evaluated previously.

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Objectives: The aims of this study were to determine the electrogastrographic patterns in children with functional dyspepsia and to investigate the correlations among electrogastrogram (EGG), gastric emptying (GE), and pain severity.

Methods: We studied 30 children (19 F; mean age 11.4 years) with functional dyspepsia.

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Both eosinophils and mast cells have been implicated in the generation of abdominal pain. The purposes of this retrospective study were to determine the prevalence of duodenal eosinophilia in pediatric dyspepsia and to determine the clinical response rate of these patients to combined H1 and H2 receptor antagonist and mast cell stabilizer therapy. Fifty-nine patients (ages 3.

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Objectives: To compare the Rome II diagnoses made in children with recurrent abdominal pain by physicians and by parent and child responses on the Questionnaire on Pediatric Gastrointestinal Symptoms. Rates of diagnostic agreement and reasons for disagreement were examined to determine whether changes to the Rome II criteria are needed to improve diagnostic classification.

Methods: One hundred and forty-eight children and their parents or guardians completed the Questionnaire on Pediatric Gastrointestinal Symptoms during their first visit to a pediatric gastroenterology clinic.

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To determine if chronic gastritis (CG) is associated with gastric dysrhythmia or delayed solid emptying in children with dyspepsia, 22 patients (7-15 years of age) with dyspepsia and normal gross endoscopies were studied. Antral biopsies were evaluated for chronic gastritis, and immunohistology was performed to determine densities of CD3+, CD20+, CD25+, and tryptase-positive cells. Electrogastrography (EGG) and gastric scintiscan evaluation were performed within 2-7 days of endoscopy.

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Background: Montelukast, a competitive cysteinyl leucotriene-1 receptor antagonist, reduces airway eosinophilia in asthmatics. We evaluated the effect of this drug in children with eosinophilic duodenitis, defined histologically as duodenal mucosa with peak eosinophil count of more than 10 eosinophils/hpf.

Methods: Forty children and adolescents (6-18 yr) with dyspepsia and duodenal eosinophilia were enrolled in a double blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, cross-over study of monteleukast therapy.

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Background: Activated eosinophils can be identified by electron microscopy (EM) Previous studies have shown EM evidence of eosinophil activation in a variety of gastrointestinal conditions associated with inflammation. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the activation state by EM of duodenal mucosal eosinophils in children who presented with dyspepsia and to determine if eosinophils are activated in patients with normal eosinophil counts on routine histology.

Methods: Twenty patients (ages 7-15 years) with dyspepsia were evaluated.

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