Publications by authors named "Liliane Gattegno"

The therapeutic potential of low molecular-weight fucoidan (LMWF), a sulfated polysaccharide extracted from brown seaweed was investigated on vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) and human vascular endothelial cell (HUV-EC-C) proliferation and migration in vitro and in a rat model of intimal hyperplasia. Sprague-Dawley rats were subjected to balloon injury in the thoracic aorta followed by two weeks' treatment with either LMWF (5mg/kg/day) or vehicle. Morphological analysis and proliferating cell nuclear antigen immunostaining at day 14 indicated that LMWF prevented intimal hyperplasia in rat thoracic aorta as compared with vehicle (neo-intima area, 3±0.

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Unlabelled: Alcohol increases reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation in hepatocyte mitochondria and by reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate oxidases and myeloperoxidase (MPO) in Kupffer cells and liver-infiltrating neutrophils. Manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) converts superoxide anion into hydrogen peroxide, which, unless detoxified by glutathione peroxidase or catalase (CAT), can form the hydroxyl radical with iron. Our aim was to determine whether Ala16Val-superoxide dismutase 2 (SOD2), G-463A-MPO, or T-262C-CAT dimorphisms modulate the risks of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and death in alcoholic cirrhosis.

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We have recently reported that the CXC-chemokine stromal cell-derived factor-1 (SDF-1)/CXCL12 induces proliferation, migration, and invasion of the Huh7 human hepatoma cells through its G-protein-coupled receptor CXCR4 and that glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) are involved in these events. Here, we demonstrate by surface plasmon resonance that the chemokine binds to GAG mimetics obtained by grafting carboxylate, sulfate or acetate groups onto a dextran backbone. We also demonstrate that chemically modified dextrans inhibit SDF-1/CXCL12-mediated in vitro chemotaxis and anchorage-independent cell growth in a dose-dependent manner.

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Background: In addition to their physiologic effects in inflammation and angiogenesis, chemokines are involved in cancer pathology. The CXC-chemokine stromal cell-derived factor-1 (SDF-1)/CXCL12 mediates its biological activities through activation of G protein-coupled receptor CXCR4 and binds to glycosaminoglycans (GAGs).

Methods: Using Bio-coat cell migration chambers, specific antagonists, flow cytometry and RNA interference, we evaluate the involvement of heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPG) in the SDF-1/CXCL12-induced invasion of human cervix epitheloid carcinoma HeLa cells.

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The aim of our study was to investigate whether myofibroblasts and the chemokine monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1)/CCL2 may play a role in hepatocellular carcinoma progression. We observed that hepatic myofibroblast LI90 cells express MCP-1/CCL2 mRNA and secrete this chemokine. Moreover, myofibroblast LI90 cell-conditioned medium (LI90-CM) induces human hepatoma Huh7 cell migration and invasion.

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Background: We previously demonstrated that the CC-chemokine Regulated upon Activation, Normal T cell Expressed and Secreted (RANTES)/CCL5 exerts pro-tumoral effects on human hepatoma Huh7 cells through its G protein-coupled receptor, CCR1. Glycosaminoglycans play major roles in these biological events.

Methods: In the present study, we explored 1/ the signalling pathways underlying RANTES/CCL5-mediated hepatoma cell migration or invasion by the use of specific pharmacological inhibitors, 2/ the role of RANTES/CCL5 oligomerization in these effects by using a dimeric RANTES/CCL5, 3/ the possible involvement of two membrane heparan sulfate proteoglycans, syndecan-1 (SDC-1) and syndecan-4 (SDC-4) in RANTES/CCL5-induced cell chemotaxis and spreading by pre-incubating cells with specific antibodies or by reducing SDC-1 or -4 expression by RNA interference.

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The Ala/16Val dimorphism incorporates alanine (Ala) or valine (Val) in the mitochondrial targeting sequence of manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD), modifying MnSOD mitochondrial import and activity. In alcoholic cirrhotic patients, the Ala-MnSOD allele is associated with hepatic iron accumulation and an increased risk of hepatocellular carcinoma. The Ala-MnSOD variant could modulate the expression of proteins involved in iron storage (cytosolic ferritin), uptake (transferrin receptors, TfR-1 and-2), extrusion (hepcidin), and intracellular distribution (frataxin) to trigger hepatic iron accumulation.

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Aim: To explore the influence of polymorphisms in genes encoding for the chemokines Stromal cell-Derived Factor-1 (SDF-1)/CXCL12 and Monocyte Chemotactic Protein-1 (MCP-1)/CCL2, or for the chemokine receptor CCR5 on the risks of liver-related death and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) occurrence in hepatitis C virus (HCV)-infected patients.

Methods: SDF-1 3'A, MCP-1 (-2518) and CCR5-Delta32 polymorphisms, SDF-1 alpha, Regulated upon Activation Normal T cells Expressed and Secreted (RANTES)/CCL5 and MCP-1 serum levels were determined in 120 HCV-infected patients, included at time of cirrhosis diagnosis and prospectively followed-up.

Results: During follow-up, 23/120 (19.

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Background & Aims: The influence of HFE gene mutations and liver iron overload on hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) occurrence in patients with cirrhosis is subjected to controversial results. The aim of this work was to clarify this influence in a large cohort of prospectively followed-up cirrhotic patients classified according to the cause of their liver disease.

Methods: Three hundred one consecutive cirrhotic patients (162 alcoholics and 139 HCV-infected patients) were included at time of diagnosis of cirrhosis and followed-up.

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The CC-chemokine regulated on activation, normal T-cell expressed, and presumably secreted (RANTES)/CCL5 mediates its biological activities through activation of G protein-coupled receptors, CCR1, CCR3, or CCR5, and binds to glycosaminoglycans. This study was undertaken to investigate whether this chemokine is involved in hepatoma cell migration or invasion and to modulate these effects in vitro by the use of glycosaminoglycan mimetics. We show that the human hepatoma Huh7 and Hep3B cells express RANTES/CCL5 G protein-coupled receptor CCR1 but not CCR3 nor CCR5.

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Background: Based on inhibition tests, the alpha6beta1 integrin was suggested to be a sperm receptor, but further experiments using gene deletion techniques have shown that neither oocyte alpha6, nor beta1 integrin subunits were essential for mouse fertilization.

Results: Using Western blot analysis and immunofluorescence, we showed that the mouse sperm expresses the alpha6beta1 integrin. As for oocyte, binding of GoH3 anti-alpha6 antibody to sperm induces a specific inhibition of sperm fertilizing ability.

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Background: Polymorphisms in genes encoding for the chemokines stromal cell-derived factor-1 (SDF-1)/CXCL12, monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1)/CCL2, or for the chemokine receptors, CC chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5) or CC chemokine receptor 2 (CCR2) have been associated with the progression of hepatitis C virus-related liver injury and with various cancer development. Their influence on the prognosis of alcoholic liver disease is unknown.

Patients And Methods: SDF-1 3'A, MCP-1(-2518), CCR5-Delta32 and CCR2-64I polymorphisms, SDF-1alpha, regulated upon activation normal T cells expressed and secreted (RANTES)/CCL5 and MCP-1 sera levels were determined in 222 alcoholic patients, included at the time of cirrhosis diagnosis and prospectively followed up.

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Background & Aims: A genetic dimorphism encodes for either alanine (Ala) or valine (Val) in the mitochondrial targeting sequence of manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD), and modulates its mitochondrial import and activity. It has been shown that the presence of at least 1 Ala-encoding allele is more frequent in alcoholic patients with cirrhosis than in controls, and increases the risks of liver iron overload, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), and death in these patients. The aim of this study was to assess the influence of the Ala-9Val MnSOD dimorphism on the same parameters and events in hepatitis C virus (HCV)-infected patients.

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In addition to their physiologic effects in inflammation and angiogenesis, chemokines are involved in cancer pathology. The aim of this study was to determine whether the chemokine stromal cell-derived factor 1 (SDF-1) induces the growth, migration, and invasion of human hepatoma cells. We show that SDF-1 G protein-coupled receptor, chemokine (C-X-C motif) receptor 4 (CXCR4), and SDF-1 mRNA are expressed in human hepatoma Huh7 cells, which secrete and bind SDF-1.

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We recently demonstrated that stromal cell-derived factor-1 (SDF-1/CXCL12) forms complexes with CXCR4, but also with syndecan-4 expressed by human primary lymphocytes and macrophages, and HeLa cells. We also suggested that syndecan-4 behaves as a SDF-1-signaling molecule. Here, we demonstrate that SDF-1 strongly accelerates the shedding of syndecan-4 ectodomains and to a lesser extent that of syndecan-1 from HeLa cells.

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Manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) converts the superoxide anion into H(2)O(2), which, unless it is detoxified by glutathione peroxidase 1 (GPx1), can increase hepatic iron and can react with iron to form genotoxic compounds. We investigated the role of Ala/Val-MnSOD and Pro/Leu-GPx1 polymorphisms on hepatic iron accumulation and hepatocellular carcinoma development in patients with alcoholic cirrhosis. Genotypes were determined in 162 alcoholic patients with cirrhosis but without hepatocellular carcinoma initially, who were prospectively followed up for hepatocellular carcinoma development.

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Stromal cell-derived factor-1 (SDF-1)/CXCL12, the ligand for CXCR4, induces signal transduction. We previously showed that CXCL12 binds to high- and low-affinity sites expressed by primary cells and cell lines, and forms complexes with CXCR4 as expected and also with a proteoglycan, syndecan-4, but does not form complexes with syndecan-1, syndecan-2, CD44 or beta-glycan. We also demonstrated the occurrence of a CXCL12-independent heteromeric complex between CXCR4 and syndecan-4.

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Background And Aims: A genetic dimorphism encodes for either alanine (Ala) or valine (Val) in the mitochondrial targeting sequence of manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD), and modulates its mitochondrial import. However, the role of this dimorphism in the susceptibility of alcoholic patients to develop cirrhosis is controversial, and its influence on the occurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and death in patients with alcoholic cirrhosis is unknown.

Methods: We compared MnSOD genotypes in 94 control subjects and 264 patients with alcoholic cirrhosis.

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We recently demonstrated that RANTES forms complexes with CCR5, syndecan-1 (SD-1), SD-4, and CD44 expressed by human primary macrophages and that SD-1 and SD-4 but neither CD44 nor SD-2 coimmunoprecipitate with CCR5. Here we show that RANTES directly binds in a glycosaminoglycan-dependent manner to SD-1, SD-4, and CD44. Moreover, RANTES accelerates the shedding of SD-1 and SD-4 ectodomains from HeLa cells expressing CCR5 and, by contrast, has no effect on the constitutive shedding of CD44 from these cells.

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The stromal cell-derived factor-1 (SDF-1) is a CXC chemokine, which plays critical roles in migration, proliferation, and differentiation of leukocytes. SDF-1 is the only known ligand of CXCR4, the coreceptor of X4 HIV strains. We show that SDF-1 binds to high- and low-affinity sites on HeLa cells.

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Interaction of RANTES with its membrane ligands or receptors transduces multiple intracellular signals. Whether RANTES uses proteoglycans (PGs) belonging to the syndecan family to attach to primary cells expressing RANTES G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) was investigated. We demonstrate that RANTES specifically binds to high and low affinity binding sites on human monocyte-derived macrophages (MDM).

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BACKGROUND: In recent years, cases of scurvy have mainly been described in populations at risk. The prevalence and risk factors for hypovitaminosis C among hospitalized patients in a department of internal medicine are largely unknown. METHODS: We determined serum ascorbic acid level (SAAL) and searched for clinical and biological signs of scurvy in 184 patients hospitalized during a 2-month period.

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The development of new materials for tissue engineering of skin substitutes requires an increasing knowledge of their interactions with human skin cells. Since carbohydrate recognition is involved in numerous biologic processes, including skin regeneration, the aim of this study was to identify sugar receptors expressed at the surface of human dermic and epidermic cells. Binding of fluorescent sugar-polyhydroxyethylacrylamide derivatives was analyzed by flow cytofluorimetry on cultured human skin fibroblasts, keratinocytes, and melanocytes.

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It is believed that proteoglycans influence biological properties of chemokines. We show that the CC chemokine RANTES binds not only to high-affinity binding sites on CCR5-positive HeLa cells but also to low-affinity binding sites on HeLa cells expressing or lacking RANTES G protein-coupled receptors. Coimmunoprecipitation studies demonstrate that RANTES forms complexes with glycanated syndecan (SD)-1 and -4, in addition to CCR5 on the CCR5-positive HeLa cells.

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